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sermonette: Spiritual Endurance

Our Spiritual Race
Bill Onisick
Given 20-Sep-03; Sermon #631s; 13 minutes

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The most grueling set of trials (actually constituting one huge timed endurance test) is our overcoming and preparation for entrance into God's Kingdom. Like the intense training required by athletes, we must incrementally increase our endurance by intense training and being subjected to multiple trials of varying length. We will certainly be tempted to give in, but we must develop ironclad patience and tenacity, staying focused on the joy of the finish line, following the lead of our Savior and Training Coach, Jesus Christ. We must remember that God will never give us a trial or test beyond our capability of enduring. Prayer, Bible study, meditation, and fasting constitute our training exercises, while our tests and trials serve as metaphorical weights and barbells, incrementally strengthening us for greater performance and service.

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