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sermonette: Will Activist Judges Be Allowed In God's Kingdom?

David F. Maas
Given 14-Oct-08; Sermon #FT08-03s; 15 minutes

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Originalist judges feel bound by the original intent of constitutional law, seeking to promote the rule of law by imparting to the Constitution a fixed, continuous and predictable meaning, prohibiting themselves from inventing extra-constitutional rights. Activist judges make, rather than interpret, the law. They arrogantly substitute their will for the judgment of deliberative bodies, presumptuously seeing their role as "doing justice" or "righting wrongs," when in fact their doing neither. What kind of judge will God Almighty appoint in His Kingdom? In the past several years, activist judges on the Massachusetts, California, Connecticut and the U.S. Supreme Courts, imbued with hopelessly reprobate minds (the will and power to do evil) have, in essence, overturned the sixth and seventh commandments, and would eventually attempt to destroy the entirety of God's Law. Jesus Christ, a steadfast opponent of judicial activism (those who would reject God's commands to do their own traditions), was an originalist judge, magnifying God's Holy Law (binding both the letter and spirit), providing a precedent for the called-out ones (eventually born again, completely composed of God's Holy Spirit) to follow in their roles of kings and priests in God's Kingdom.

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