Adam Clarke
There shall no more come into thee - For yabo , "shall come," lebo , "to come," is the reading of five of Kennicott' s and two of De Rossi' s MSS. This is the better reading, ki lo yosiph lebo , "There shall not add to come."
The uncircumcised and the unclean - Christians have turned many passages of the prophets against the Jews; and it is not to be wondered at, that in support of their obstinate and hopeless cause, they should press a prophecy into their service, and make it speak against the Christians. This Kimchi does in this place; for he says, by the uncircumcised, the Christians are meant; and by the unclean the Turks. The Christians are uncircumcised and the Turks, though circumcised, and using many ablutions, are unclean in their works.
Other Adam Clarke entries containing Isaiah 52:1:
Revelation 21:27
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