Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown
houses of . . . gods—He shall not spare even the temple, such will be His fury. A reproof to the Jews that they betook themselves to Egypt, a land whose own safety depended on helpless idols.
burn . . . carry . . . captives—burn the Egyptian idols of wood, carry to Babylon those of gold and other metals.
array himself with the land, etc.— Isaiah 49:18 has the same metaphor.
as a shepherd, etc.—He shall become master of Egypt as speedily and easily as a shepherd, about to pass on with his flock to another place, puts on his garment.
Other Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown entries containing Jeremiah 43:12:
Isaiah 19:1
Jeremiah 43:2
Jeremiah 43:13
Jeremiah 47:7
Jeremiah 48:7
Ezekiel 29:2
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