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Lamentations 3:30  (N.A.S.B. in E-Prime)

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<< Lamentations 3:29   Lamentations 3:31 >>

Lamentations 3:28-30


Let him sit alone and keep silence;

For He (God) hath laid the yoke upon him.

Let him place his mouth in the dust;

Perchance there is hope.

Let him offer his cheek to him that smiteth him;

Let him be filled to the full with reproach.

It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth, but only if he bear it rightly. To attain this result, let him learn resignation, remembering who has laid the yoke upon him. This reverential silence is described Lamentations 3:29, as putting the mouth in the dust, and so lying prostrate before the Deity; while Lamentations 3:30 the harder task is imposed of bearing contumely with meekness (margin reference), and not shrinking from the last dregs of the cup of reproach. Many who submit readily to God are indignant when the suffering comes through men.

Other Barnes' Notes entries containing Lamentations 3:30:

Lamentations 3:28-30


<< Lamentations 3:29   Lamentations 3:31 >>

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