Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown
Messiah, the Antitype, fulfilled this; His practice agreeing with His precept (Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 5:39). Many take patiently afflictions from God, but when man wrongs them, they take it impatiently. The godly bear resignedly the latter, like the former, as sent by God (Psalms 17:13).
The fruit of true docility and patience. He does not fight against the yoke (Jeremiah 31:18; Acts 9:5), but accommodates himself to it.
alone—The heathen applauded magnanimity, but they looked to display and the praise of men. The child of God, in the absence of any witness, "alone," silently submits to the will of God.
borne it upon him—that is, because he is used to bearing it on him. Rather, "because He (the Lord, Lamentations 3:26) hath laid it on him" [VATABLUS].
Other Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown entries containing Lamentations 3:30:
Job 16:10
Isaiah 50:6
Micah 5:1
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