Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown
As the traveller in a wilderness is delighted at finding grapes to quench his thirst, or the early fig (esteemed a great delicacy in the East, Isaiah 28:4; Jeremiah 24:2; Micah 7:1); so it was My delight to choose your fathers as My peculiar people in Egypt (Hosea 2:15).
at her first time—when the first-fruits of the tree become ripe.
went to Baal-peor— (Numbers 25:3): the Moabite idol, in whose worship young women prostituted themselves; the very sin Israel latterly was guilty of.
separated themselves—consecrated themselves.
unto that shame—to that shameful or foul idol (Jeremiah 11:13).
their abominations were according as they loved—rather, as Vulgate, "they became abominable like the object of their love" (Deuteronomy 7:26; Psalms 115:8). English Version gives good sense, "their abominable idols they followed after, according as their lusts prompted them" (Amos 4:5, Margin).
Other Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown entries containing Hosea 9:10:
Isaiah 28:4
Jeremiah 3:24
Jeremiah 11:13
Hosea 9:11
Romans 16:5
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