Barnes' Notes
And I will take away his blood out of his mouth - The "abominations" being idol-sacrifices , the "bloods" will also be, the blood mingled with the wine of sacrifices, of which David says, "Their drink-offerings of blood will I not offer" Psalms 16:4; and Ezekiel unites the offences, "Ye eat With the blood, and lift up your eyes toward your idols, and shed blood" Ezekiel 33:25.
But he that remaineth - Better, "And he too" shall remain over to our God." Of the Philistines too, as of Israel, "a remnant shall be saved." After this visitation their idolatry should cease; God speaks of the Philistine nation as one man; He would wring his idol-sacrifices and idol-enjoyments from him; he should exist as a nation, but as God' s.
And he shall be as a governor in Judah - Literally, "a captain of a thousand," merged in Judah as in a larger whole, as each tribe was divided into its "thousands," yet intimately blended, in no inferior position, with the people of God, as each converted nation became an integral yet unseparated whole in the people of God.
And Ekron as a Jebusite - Ekron was apparently the least important of the few remaining Philistine cities (see at Joel 1:8, vol. 1); yet he shall he, as those of the Canaanite nations who were not destroyed, nor fled, but in the very capital and center of Israel' s worship, "dwelt with the children of Benjamin and Judah" Joshua 15:63; Judges 1:21, and were, as a type of the future conversion and absorption of the pagan, incorporatcd into Judah.
Other Barnes' Notes entries containing Zechariah 9:7:
Daniel 9:27
Zechariah 9:13
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