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Zechariah 9:7  (Amplified® Bible)

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Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown
<< Zechariah 9:6   Zechariah 9:8 >>

Zechariah 9:7

take . . . his blood out of . . . mouth—Blood was forbidden as food (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 7:26).

abominations—things sacrificed to idols and then partaken of by the worshippers (Numbers 25:2; Acts 15:29). The sense is, "I will cause the Philistines to cease from the worship of idols."

even he shall be for our God—"even he," like Hamath, Damascus, Tyre, etc., which, these words imply, shall also be converted to God (Isaiah 56:3, "son of the stranger joined himself to the Lord") [ROSENMULLER]. The "even," however, may mean, Besides the Hebrews, "even" the Philistine shall worship Jehovah (so Isaiah 56:8) [MAURER].

he shall be as a governor in Judah—On the conversion of the Philistine prince, he shall have the same dignity "in Judah as a governor"; there shall be no distinction [HENDERSON]. The Philistine princes with their respective states shall equally belong to the Jews' communion, as if they were among the "governors" of states "in Judah" [MAURER].

Ekron as a Jebusite—The Jebusites, the original inhabitants of Jerusalem, who, when subjugated by David, were incorporated with the Jews (II Samuel 24:16, etc.), and enjoyed their privileges: but in a subordinate position civilly (I Kings 9:20-21). The Jebusites' condition under Solomon being that of bond-servants and tributaries, CALVIN explains the verse differently: "I will rescue the Jew from the teeth of the Philistine foe (image from wild beasts rending their prey with their teeth), who would have devoured him, as he would devour blood or flesh of his abominable sacrifices to idols: and even he, the seemingly ignoble remnant of the Jews, shall be sacred to our God (consecrated by His favor); and though so long bereft of dignity, I will make them to be as governors ruling others, and Ekron shall be a tributary bond-servant as the Jebusite? Thus the antithesis is between the Jew that remaineth (the elect remnant) and the Ekronite.

Other Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown entries containing Zechariah 9:7:

Zechariah 8:23
Zechariah 9:13
Zechariah 12:6


<< Zechariah 9:6   Zechariah 9:8 >>

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