Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
Must needs come to pass (dei genesqai). Already there were outbreaks against the Jews in Alexandria, at Seleucia with the slaughter of more than fifty thousand, at Jamnia, and elsewhere. Caligula, Claudius, Nero will threaten war before it finally comes with the destruction of the city and temple by Titus in AD 70. Vincent notes that between this prophecy by Jesus in AD 30 (or 29) and the destruction of Jerusalem there was an earthquake in Crete (A.D. 46 or 47), at Rome (A.D. 51), at Apamaia in Phrygia (A.D. 60), at Campania (A.D. 63). He notes also four famines during the reign of Claudius AD 41-54. One of them was in Judea in AD 44 and is alluded to in Acts 11:28. Tacitus (Annals xvi. 10-13) describes the hurricanes and storms in Campania in AD 65.
Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing Mark 13:7:
Mark 13:5
Romans 10:16
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