Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
But Jesus did not trust himself to them (autov de Ihsouv ouk episteuen auton autoiv). "But Jesus himself kept on refusing (negative imperfect) to trust himself to them." The double use of pisteuw here is shown by Acts 8:13 where Simon Magus "believed" (episteusen) and was baptized, but was unsaved. He merely believed that he wanted what Philip had.
For that he knew all men (dia to auton ginwskein pantav). Causal use of dia and the accusative case of the articular infinitive to ginwskein (because of the knowing) with the object of the infinitive (pantav, all men) and the accusative of general reference (auton, as to himself).
Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing John 2:24:
John 3:1
John 3:32
John 4:1
John 4:17
John 5:6
John 5:42
John 6:64
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