Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
Let us return now and visit the brethren (epistreyantev de episkeywmeqa touv adelfouv). Paul takes the initiative as the leader, all the more so if the rebuke to Peter and Barnabas in Galatians 2:11-21 had already taken place. Paul is anxious, like a true missionary, to go back to the fields where he has planted the gospel. He uses the hortatory subjunctive (episkeywmeqa) for the proposal (see on Acts 15:14 for this verb). Note the repeated epi (epi-streyantev and episkeywmeqa). There is special point in the use of dh (shortened form of hdh), now at this juncture of affairs (cf. Acts 13:2).
How they fare (pwv exousin). Indirect question, "how they have it." The precariousness of the life of new converts in pagan lands is shown in all of Paul's Epistles (Furneaux). So he wanted to go city by city (kata polin pasan).
Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing Acts 15:36:
Acts 11:24
Acts 13:2
Acts 15:34
Colossians 4:10
Revelation 1:12
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