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Acts 18:24  (King James Version)

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<< Acts 18:23   Acts 18:25 >>

Acts 18:24

Apollos (Apollwv). Genitive -w Attic second declension. Probably a contraction of Apolloniov as D has it here.

An Alexandrian (Alecandreuv). Alexander the Great founded this city BC 332 and placed a colony of Jews there which flourished greatly, one-third of the population at this time. There was a great university and library there. The Jewish-Alexandrian philosophy developed here of which Philo was the chief exponent who was still living. Apollos was undoubtedly a man of the schools and a man of parts.

A learned man (anhr logiov). Or eloquent, as the word can mean either a man of words (like one "wordy," verbose) or a man of ideas, since logov was used either for reason or speech. Apollos was doubtless both learned (mighty in the Scriptures) and eloquent, though eloquence varies greatly in people's ideas.

Mighty in the Scriptures (dunatov wn en taiv grafaiv). Being powerful (dunatov verbal of dunamai and same root as dunamiv, dynamite, dynamo) in the Scriptures (in the knowledge and the use of the Scriptures), as should be true of every preacher. There is no excuse for ignorance of the Scriptures on the part of preachers, the professed interpreters of the word of God. The last lecture made to the New Testament English class in Southern Baptist Theological Seminary by John A. Broadus was on this passage with a plea for his students to be mighty in the Scriptures. In Alexandria Clement of Alexandria and Origen taught in the Christian theological school.

Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing Acts 18:24:

Acts 7:22
Acts 18:28
Romans 3:2
1 Corinthians 1:12
Revelation 2:1


<< Acts 18:23   Acts 18:25 >>

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