Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
Ye (umeiv). Emphatic.
Signify (emfanisate). First aorist active imperative of emfanizw. Make plain from emfanhv, chiefly in Acts. Repeated in verse Acts 23:22. The authority is with the chiliarch not with the Sanhedrin, but he had appealed to the Sanhedrin for advice.
As though ye would judge of his case more exactly (wv mellontav diaginwskein akribesteron ta peri autou). wv with the participle gives the alleged reason as here. So also in verse Acts 23:20. Diagnoskw, old verb to distinguish accurately, only here in N.T. and Acts 24:22.
Or ever come near (pro tou eggisai auton). "Before the coming near as to him." Pro and the genitive of the articular infinitive of eggizw with accusative of general reference.
We are ready to slay him (etoimoi esmen tou anelein auton). Genitive of purpose of the articular infinitive after the adjective etoimoi (Robertson, Grammar, p. 1061). Anelein, second aorist active of anairew.
Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing Acts 23:15:
Acts 23:20
Acts 23:22
Acts 24:1
Acts 24:22
Acts 25:15
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