Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
Their lying in wait (thn enedran). Old word from en (in) and edra (seat), ambush. In N.T. only here and Acts 25:3. Accusative object of akousav.
He came (paragenomenov). Second aorist middle participle of paraginomai. It may mean, "having come upon them" and so discount their plot, a graphic touch. Vincent thinks that some Pharisee, since Paul was a Pharisee and so a member of the "guild," told his nephew of the plot. Perhaps, and perhaps not.
Told Paul (aphggeilen tw Paulw). This nephew is not known otherwise. He may be a student here from Tarsus as Paul once was. Anyhow he knows what to do when he catches on to the conspirators. He had enough address to get into the barracks where Paul was. He ran the risk of death if discovered.
Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing Acts 23:16:
Acts 21:34
Acts 23:21
Acts 25:3
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