Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
Took him by the hand (epilabomenov thv xeirov autou). Kindly touch in Lysias, ut fiduciam adolescentis confirmaret (Bengel). Note genitive with the second aorist middle (indirect, to himself) of epilambanw as in Luke 8:54 with krathsav which see. How old the young man (neaniav) was we do not know, but it is the very word used of Paul in Acts 7:58 when he helped in the killing of Stephen, a young man in the twenties probably. See also Acts 20:9 of Eutychus. He is termed neaniskov in verse Acts 23:22.
Asked him privately (kat idian epunqaneto). Imperfect middle, began to ask (inchoative).
Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing Acts 23:19:
Acts 23:18
Acts 25:16
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