
(e.g. john 8 32)

Acts 24:7  (King James Version)

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<< Acts 24:6   Acts 24:8 >>

Acts 24:7

But . . . Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him out of our hands—a wilful falsehood and calumnious charge against a public officer. He had commanded the Sanhedrim to meet for no other purpose than to "judge him according to their law"; and only when, instead of doing so, they fell to disputing among themselves, and the prisoner was in danger of being "pulled in pieces of them" (Acts 23:10) —or as his own letter says "killed of them" (Acts 23:27) —did he rescue him, as was his duty, "by force" out of their hands.

Acts 24:5-8

a pestilent fellow—a plague, or pest.

and a mover of sedition among all the Jews—by exciting disturbances among them.

throughout the world—(See on Luke 2:1). This was the first charge; and true only in the sense explained on Acts 16:20.

a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes—the second charge; and true enough.

<< Acts 24:6   Acts 24:8 >>

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