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Acts 24:27  (King James Version)

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<< Acts 24:26   Acts 25:1 >>

Acts 24:27

Acts 24:27 But after two years. It was in the autumn of AD 60 that Felix was removed. Procius Festus came in Felix' room. This officer was more upright, according to Josephus, than most Roman governors, but died in the second year of his office. Felix, willing to shew the Jews a pleasure. He was recalled, because grave accusations were made against him. Had he released Paul, it would have intensified the enmity of the Jews, and hence he was turned over as a prisoner to his successor. The question has been asked how Paul spent these two years of confinement. Dean Howson urges that at this time of the Gospel of Luke was written under the supervision of Paul. He and Luke were in Judea, where the facts could be gathered. Philip lived at Caesarea. Paul more than once in his writings speaks of "My Gospel". Irenaeus, who had heard those preach who had heard the apostles, tells us that Paul was accustomed to speak of the Gospel of Luke as written by him, and Origen and Jerome assert the same fact. We know Paul could not have been idle. Hence, for these reasons, Howson suggests that at this period his chief work was the Third Gospel, the "Gospel of the Gentiles".

Other People's Commentary (NT) entries containing Acts 24:27:

Acts 24:23
Acts 24:27


<< Acts 24:26   Acts 25:1 >>

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