People's Commentary (NT)
Acts 28:16 Delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard. The commander of what was called the Praetorian Guard, the Praetorian Prefect; at this time this great officer was named Burrhus. The Praetorian camp was the permanent garrison of Rome. But Paul was suffered to dwell by himself. Sometimes state prisoners, sent from the provinces, awaiting trial, were thrown into a prison adjoining the Praetorian camp, and sometimes were allowed to choose their own residence under the guard of a soldier. With a soldier that kept him. Paul was permitted the latter course, no doubt on account of the kindly reports sent from Caesarea by Festus and King Agrippa to Rome. The soldier was fastened to the prisoner by a chain. See Acts 28:20.
Other People's Commentary (NT) entries containing Acts 28:16:
Acts 28:16
Romans 15:32
2 Corinthians 6:5
Philippians 1:13
2 Timothy 1:16
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