Barnes' Notes
Yea, so have I strived - The word used here ́ philotimoumenon means properly "to be ambitious, to be studious of honor;" and then to "desire" earnestly. In that sense it is used here. He earnestly desired; he made it a point for which he struggled, to penetrate into regions which had not heard the gospel.
Not where Christ was named - Where the gospel had not been before preached.
Lest I should build ... - That is, he desired to found churches himself; he regarded himself as particularly called to this. Others might be called to edify the church, but he regarded it as his function to make known the name of the Saviour where it was not before known. This work was particularly adapted to the ardor, zeal, energy, and bravery of such a man as Paul. Every man has his proper gift; and there are some particularly suited to "found" and establish churches; others to edify and comfort them; compare II Corinthians 10:13-16. The apostle chose the higher honor, involving most danger and responsibility; but still any office in building up the church is honorable.
Other Barnes' Notes entries containing Romans 15:20:
Psalms 51:18
Romans 15:17
2 Corinthians 5:9
2 Timothy 4:22
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