Definitions of words in Romans 16:1:
Church {Easton's Bible Dictionary}
Church {International Standard Bible Encyclopedia}
Commend {International Standard Bible Encyclopedia}
Phebe {Easton's Bible Dictionary}
Phebe {Hitchcock's Bible Names}
Phebe {International Standard Bible Encyclopedia}
Servant {International Standard Bible Encyclopedia}
Sister {International Standard Bible Encyclopedia}
Cenchrea {Easton's Bible Dictionary}
Cenchrea {Hitchcock's Bible Names}
Other definition entries containing Romans 16:1:
Cenchrea {Easton's}
Deaconess {Easton's}
Phebe {Easton's}
Romans, Epistle to the {Easton's}
Cenchreae {I.S.B.E.}
Commend {I.S.B.E.}
Deacon; Deaconess {I.S.B.E.}
Epistle {I.S.B.E.}
Hospitality; Host {I.S.B.E.}
Paul, The Apostle, 1 {I.S.B.E.}
Phoebe {I.S.B.E.}
Romans, Epistle To The {I.S.B.E.}
Sister {I.S.B.E.}
Woman {I.S.B.E.}