Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
Even so, being affectionately desirous of you (outwv omeiromenoi umwn). Clearly the correct text rather than imeiromenoi from imeirw, old verb to long for. But the verb omeiromai (Westcott and Hort om., smooth breathing) occurs nowhere else except MSS. in Job 3:21; Psalms 62:2 (Symmachus) and the Lycaonian sepulchral inscription (4th cent. AD) about the sorrowing parents omeiromenoi peri paidov,
greatly desiring their son (Moulton and Milligan, Vocabulary). Moulton suggests that it comes from a root smer, remember, and that o- is a derelict preposition o like o-duromai, o-kellw, w-keanov. Wohlenberg (Zahn, Kommentar) calls the word "a term of endearment," "derived from the language of the nursery" (Milligan).
We were well pleased (hudokoumen). Imperfect active of eudokew, common verb in later Greek and in N.T. (see on Matthew 3:17), picturing Paul's idea of their attitude while in Thessalonica. Paul often has it with the infinitive as here.
To impart (metadounai). Second aorist active infinitive of metadidwmi, old verb to share with (see on Luke 3:11). Possible zeugma with
souls (yuxav), though Lightfoot renders "lives." Paul and his associates held nothing back.
Because ye were become very dear to us (dioti agaphtoi hmin egenhqhte). Note dioti (double cause, dia, oti, for that), use of ginomai again for become, and dative hmin with verbal agaphtoi, beloved and so dear. A beautiful picture of the growth of Paul's affection for them as should be true with every pastor.
Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing 1 Thessalonians 2:8:
Acts 17:5
Romans 1:11
Galatians 1:15
1 Thessalonians 1:5
1 Thessalonians 2:1
1 Thessalonians 2:18
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