Adam Clarke
For the law made nothing perfect - It completed nothing; it was only the outline of a great plan, the shadow of a glorious substance; see on Hebrews 7:11 (note). It neither pardoned sin, nor purified the heart, nor gave strength to obey the moral precepts. , nothing, is put here for , no person.
But the bringing in of a better hope - The original is very emphatic, , the superintroduction, or the after introduction; and this seems to be put in opposition to the , the preceding commandment, or former Levitical law, of Hebrews 7:18. This went before to prepare the way of the Lord; to show the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and the strict justice of God. The better hope, which referred not to earthly but to spiritual good, not to temporal but eternal felicity, founded on the priesthood and atonement of Christ, was afterwards introduced for the purpose of doing what the law could not do, and giving privileges and advantages which the law would not afford. One of these privileges immediately follows: -
By the which we draw nigh unto God - This is a sacerdotal phrase: the high priest alone could approach to the Divine presence in the holy of holies; but not without the blood of the sacrifice, and that only once in the year. But through Christ, as our high priest, all believers in him have an entrance to the holiest by his blood; and through him perform acceptable service to God. The better hope means, in this place, Jesus Christ, who is the author and object of the hope of eternal life, which all his genuine followers possess. He is called our hope, I Timothy 1:1; Colossians 1:27.
Other Adam Clarke entries containing Hebrews 7:19:
John 1:17
Hebrews 7:18
Hebrews 7:28
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