Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
If ye are reproached (ei oneidizesqe). Condition of first class assumed as true with ei and present passive indicative of oneidizw, for which verb see James 1:5.
For the name of Christ (en onomati Xristou). "In the matter of the name of Christ." For the idea see Matthew 5:11 f.; Matthew 19:29; Acts 5:41; Acts 9:16; Acts 21:13. This is the only N.T. example of just onoma Xristou, here used because of the use of Xristianov in verse I Peter 4:16. For the beatitude makarioi see Matthew 5:11 f.
The Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God (to thv dochv kai to tou qeou pneuma). Note repetition of the article (to) though pneuma only once. The reference is to the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Glory and of God.
Resteth upon you (ef hmav anapauetai). Quotation from Isaiah 11:2. Present middle indicative of anapauw, to give rest, refresh (Matthew 11:28). "He rests upon the Christian as the Shechinah rested upon the tabernacle" (Bigg). Cf. I Peter 1:8; Matthew 3:16.
Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing 1 Peter 4:14:
John 15:21
James 2:7
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