Barnes' Notes
But let none of you suffer as a murderer - If you must be called to suffer, see that it be not for crime. Compare the notes at I Peter 3:14, I Peter 3:17. They were to be careful that their sufferings were brought upon them only in consequence of their religion, and not because any crime could be laid to their charge. If even such charges were brought against them, there should be no pretext furnished for them by their lives.
As an evil doer - As a wicked man; or as guilty of injustice and wrong toward others.
Or as a busy-body in other men' s matters - The Greek word used here ̓́ allotrioepiskopos occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. It means, properly, an inspector of strange things, or of the things of others. Prof. Robinson (Lexicon) supposes that the word may refer to one who is "a director of heathenism;" but the more obvious signification, and the one commonly adopted, is that which occurs in our translation - one who busies himself with what does not concern him; that is, one who pries into the affairs of another; who attempts to control or direct them as if they were his own. In respect to the vice here condemned, see the notes at Philippians 2:4. Compare II Thessalonians 3:11, and I Timothy 5:13.
Other Barnes' Notes entries containing 1 Peter 4:15:
John 18:21
Acts 5:41
Romans 14:4
Philippians 2:4
2 Thessalonians 3:11
1 Peter 4:19
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