
(e.g. john 8 32)

1 Peter 4:15  (A Faithful Version)

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<< 1 Peter 4:14   1 Peter 4:16 >>

1 Peter 4:15

Let no one of you suffer (mh tiv umwn pasxetw). Prohibition with mh and present active imperative (habit prohibited).

As (wv). Charged as and being so. Two specific crimes (murderer, thief) and one general phrase (kakopoiov, evildoer, I Peter 2:12, I Peter 2:14), and one unusual term allotriepiscopov (a meddler in other men's matters). Note h wv (or as) = or "also only as" (Wohlenberg). The word was apparently coined by Peter (occurring elsewhere only in Dionys. Areop. and late eccles. writers) from allotriov (belonging to another, II Corinthians 10:15) and episkopov, overseer, inspector, I Peter 2:25). The idea is apparently one who spies out the affairs of other men. Deissmann (Bible Studies, p. 224) gives a second-century papyrus with allotriwn epiqumhthv a speculator alienorum. Epictetus has a like idea (iii. 22. 97). Biggs takes it to refer to "things forbidden." Clement of Alexandria tells of a disciple of the Apostle John who became a bandit chief. Ramsay (Church in the Roman Empire, pp. 293, 348) thinks the word refers to breaking up family relationships. Hart refers us to the gadders-about in I Thessalonians 4:11; II Thessalonians 3:11 and women as gossipers in I Thessalonians 5:13. It is interesting to note also that episkopov here is the word for "bishop" and so suggests also preachers meddling in the work of other preachers.

<< 1 Peter 4:14   1 Peter 4:16 >>

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