Most people regard judgment as something that occurs only at the end of the age. However, the Bible shows that Christians are being judged today. As in human courts, judgment is a process. Judges do not render decisions without getting the facts and pondering all the evidence. Today, God is putting Christians through trials and tests to see if they will be faithful to Him and His way of life.
Basic Doctrines: Eternal Judgment
God judges true Christians today by how well they live by His Word, and He will judge those who rise in the second resurrection exactly the same way. They will be given enough time to live a life of overcoming and obedience, just as God's firstfruits are doing in this age.
Martin G. Collins
Holy Days: Last Great Day
Other Forerunner Commentary entries containing 1 Peter 4:17:
Luke 12:8-12
Luke 13:9

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