Barnes' Notes
Consult the marginal references. If the ark with the copy of the Law Deuteronomy 31:26 was at Mizpeh, it would account for Jephthah' s accurate knowledge of it; and this exact agreement of his message with Numbers and Deuteronomy would give additional force to the expression, "he uttered all his words before the Lord" Judges 11:11.
Judges 11:17
No mention is made of this embassy to Moab in the Pentateuch.
Judges 11:19
Into my place - This expression implies that the trans-Jordanic possessions of Israel were not included in the land of Canaan properly speaking.
Judges 11:21
The title "God of Israel" has a special emphasis here, and in Judges 11:23. in a narrative of transactions relating to the pagan and their gods.
Judges 11:24
Chemosh was the national god of the Moabites (see the marginal references); and as the territory in question was Moabitish territory before the Amorites took it from "the people of Chemosh," this may account for the mention of Chemosh here rather than of Moloch, or Milcom, the god of the Ammonites. Possibly the king of the children of Ammon at this time may have been a Moabite.
Judges 11:25, Judges 11:26
Jephthah advances another historical argument. Balak, the king of Moab, never disputed the possession of Sihon' s kingdom with Israel.
Other Barnes' Notes entries containing Judges 11:26:
Judges 11:15-28
Isaiah 1:8
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