The meaning of Cast in the Bible
(From International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
In general "to throw," with various degrees of violence; usually, with force, but not so necessarily, as e.g. in "cast a net," "cast lots." When applied to molten metal, as in English, first, "to let run. into molds," with reference to their descent by gravity, and, then, "to form," as in Exodus 25:12, etc. Usually in the New Testament for ballo, but not always. Thus, in Luke 1:29 "cast in her mind" means "considered" (dielogizeto); "cast reproach" for Greek oneidizon, "reproached" (Matthew 27:44); "casting down" for kathaireo, "demolishing" (II Corinthians 10:4); "casting all anxiety upon" (I Peter 5:7), a still stronger term, as in Luke 17:2 the King James Version; Acts 27:19. As a fundamental Greek word, it is compounded with many prepositions, "about," "away," "down," "forth," "in," "into," "off," "out," "up," "upon." "Cast down" in II Corinthians 4:9 the King James Version is used in a military sense of one prostrated, but not killed in battle. Compare Psalms 42:5 with the Revised Version, margin. "Castaway" of the King James Version in I Corinthians 9:27, is in the Revised Version (British and American) "rejected" (compare Hebrews 6:8), adokimos, i.e. what the application of a test shows to be counterfeit, or unfit; translated "reprobate" in Romans 1:28; II Corinthians 13:5-7, etc.
H. E. Jacobs
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