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Facing Cultural Headwinds

Subject: Living in an Anti-God World 


Facing Times of Stress: Always in God's Presence

Subject: Why Pray? 


Facing Times of Stress: Contentment

Subject: Independent of Circumstances 


Facing Times of Stress: Controlled by Doubts

Subject: Avoiding Weak Faith 


Facing Times of Stress: Faithfulness

Subject: Prayer and the Peace of God 


Facing Times of Stress: Fear of the Future

Subject: A Spirit of Power, Love and Sound Mind 


Facing Times of Stress: Forewarned of Persecution!



Facing Times of Stress: Grieved by Various Trials

Subject: The Genuineness of Your Faith 


Facing Times of Stress: Hopeless Regrets

Subject: Spiritual Depression 


Facing Times of Stress: Lack of Clarity

Subject: Lack of Clarity — Blindness 


Facing Times of Stress: Lovers of Self

Subject: Lovers of Self 


Facing Times of Stress: Persecution

Subject: Pilippians 1:12-20 


Facing Times of Stress: When God is Silent (Part Four)

Subject: Paul's Witness in Rome 


Facing Times of Stress: When God Is Silent (Part One)

Subject: The Plot to Murder Paul 


Facing Times of Stress: When God Is Silent (Part Three)

Subject: The Apostle Paul's Shipwreck 


Facing Times of Stress: When God Is Silent (Part Two)

Subject: The Trials of the Apostle Paul 





Faith (Part Five)

Subject: Grace 


Faith (Part Four)

Subject: Lot's Wife 


Faith (Part One)

Subject: Unleavened Bread 


Faith (Part Seven)

Subject: Pride and Humility 


Faith (Part Six)

Subject: Pride 


Faith (Part Three)

Subject: Lot 


Faith (Part Two)

Subject: Moses 


Faith and Control

Subject: Waiting For God 


Faith and Healing (Part One)

Subject: Taking Care of One's Health 


Faith and Healing (Part Three)

Subject: God's Promises Do Not Absolve Us Of Working 


Faith and Healing (Part Two)

Subject: Our Responsibility in Healing 


Faith and Our Calling

Subject: The Source of Our Faith 


Faith and Prayer

Subject: Prayer 


Faith and Remembering



Faith and Spiritual Focus



Faith and Technology



Faith and the Calendar (Part Five): Summary

Subject: Wrapping up the Calendar Issue 


Faith and the Calendar (Part One)

Subject: Is God Faithful in His Oversight? 


Faith and the Calendar (Part Two)

Subject: Who Is Responsible for the Calendar? 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Eight)

Subject: Abraham Concluded; Sarah's Faith 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Five)

Subject: Ask, Seek, Knock 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Four)

Subject: Our Need to and Reward for Diligently Seeking God 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Nine)

Subject: Hebrews 11: A Success Formula 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part One)

Subject: Hebrews 11 and Faith 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Seven)



Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Six)

Subject: The Calling of Abraham 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Ten)

Subject: Grace's Necessity to Christian Living 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Three)

Subject: Walking with God 


Faith and the Christian Fight (Part Two)

Subject: Saved By Grace Through Faith 


Faith in the Healer

Subject: God's Faithfulness 


Faith of an Immigrant

Subject: The Example of Caleb 


Faith of Our Fathers

Subject: Hold on for Your Reward! 


Faith Over Fear

Subject: God's Promises Trump Human Crises 


Faith Overcomes the World

Subject: Faith in Christ 


Faith to Carry Us to the Millennium



Faith versus Doubtful Things



Faith Versus Outward Appearances

Subject: The Faithful Servant 


Faith's Obedience

Subject: Abraham and Isaac 


Faith, Government, and the Calendar (Part Four)

Subject: Principles of Government & the Calendar Issue 


Faith, Hope, and the Worship of God (Part Three)

Subject: A Calendar Application 


Faithful Stephen

Subject: Christian Men 


Faithful Until Death

Subject: The Letter to Smyrna 


Faithful, Following Firstfruits

Subject: Prominent Traits of True Christians 


Fall Feast Lessons

Subject: What are We Supposed to Learn? 


False Gospels

Subject: Tests to Determine if a Teaching Is False 


Famine (Part One): The Beginning of Sorrows

Subject: Famine in Retrospect 


Famine (Part Three): The Abundance of God's Salvation

Subject: Famine In The Future 


Famine (Part Two): Behold, a Black Horse

Subject: Contemporary Famine 


Fast or Famine

Subject: Lack of Nutrition - Different Outcomes 


Fast-Forwarding the Tape

Subject: A Sneak-Preview of Our Future 





Father of Glory

Subject: Are We Reflecting the Attributes of Our Father? 


Father of Mercies and God of All Comfort

Subject: Suffering Through Renovations of the Mind 


Father's Day

Subject: Fatherhood; Men Love Your Wives 


Father, Where Art Thou?

Subject: Are the Hearts of the Fathers Turning to the Children? 



Subject: The Qualities of a Father 


Fatherhood and Modern Temptations

Subject: Fatherhood 


Fathers Provoking Children

Subject: The Vital Role of Fathers 


Fault Lines



Fear and Faith or Between a Rock



Fear and Love

Subject: Fear God or Fear Everything Else 


Fear is a Double-edged Sword



Fear of Death



Fear of the Unknown

Subject: Fear 


Fearing God



Fearing God at the Feast

Subject: Celebrating God's Faithfulness 


Feast of Tabernacles Basics

Subject: The Fundamentals of Why We Are Here 


Feast: Command of God?



Feelings of Inadequacy

Subject: The Spirit of a Sound Mind 


Fellowship and Fellowshipping Are Very Important to God



Fellowship of the Way



Fellowship With God

Subject: Justification and the Blood of Jesus Christ 


Fight for the Widows

Subject: James 1:27 


Fighting Spiritual Amnesia

Subject: Remembering God's Truth 


Filled with the Spirit

Subject: Yield, Submit, Surrender 


Filling Our Vessels with Pure Oil

Subject: Building Our Relationship with God and His Family 


Filling the Void



Filling the Void (2012)

Subject: The Bread that Satisfies 


Final Words of Jesus on the Cross



Finding Favor

Subject: Finding Favor in the Sight of God and Man 


Finishing the Week

Subject: Israel's Future Covenant 


Finishing Your Gun Lap

Subject: Enduring The End 


Fire Igniter or Fire Extinguisher

Subject: Developing Godly Mindfulness 


First Do No Harm

Subject: Peacemakers 


First Do No Harm

Subject: Reestablishing Trust In Our Fellowship 


Firstfruits and the Master Potter



Firstfruits to God

Subject: What Makes the 144,000 Firstfruits 


Five Easily-Neglected Doctrines



Five Major Problems in the Wilderness

Subject: A Roadmap of God's Judgments 


Five Major Problems of the Pilgrimage



Flag of Our Father

Subject: Lifting Up The Lord's Banner 


Flame Wars

Subject: Lessons in Peacemaking From the 'Comments Section' 


Flavorless Salt

Subject: The Third Commandment: Representing God 


Flee From Idolatry (Part One): Self-Discipline

Subject: Paul's Athletic Metaphors 


Flee From Idolatry (Part Two): Faithfulness

Subject: The Example of Israel 



Subject: Book of Jude 



Subject: The Importance of Watching 


Focus on the First




Subject: How Our Focus Impacts Our Walk with God 


Focusing on God's Thoughts



Follow Through

Subject: Stiring our Brethren to do Good Works 


Following the Cloud

Subject: God Leads, the Church Follows 


Foolishness and Cleansing

Subject: Foolishness IS sin, and must be atoned for 



Subject: Humbling Ourselves As Servants 


For Good Measure

Subject: How We Measure The World Around Us 


For Love of Family



For So the Lord Has Ordered Him

Subject: Handling Unfair Verbal Abuse 


For the Children



For the Love of God



For the Love of the Truth

Subject: How Does God Want to be Worshipped? 



Subject: Putting Up with One Another 


Forget Not All His Benefits



Forging the Canon

Subject: We Can Trust Our Bibles 


Forgiveness and the Perpetual Covenant of Peace



Forgiveness and the Unpardonable Sin



Forgiving, Giving, and Living

Subject: Imitating God 


Forms vs. Spirituality (Part 1)

Subject: By Grace We Are Saved 


Forms vs. Spirituality (Part 2)

Subject: The Price of Sin 


Forms vs. Spirituality (Part 3)

Subject: The Process of Holiness 


Forms vs. Spirituality (Part 4)

Subject: The Laws of God 


Forms vs. Spirituality (Part 5)

Subject: The Pharisees 


Forms vs. Spirituality (Part 6)

Subject: Making Righteous Judgments 


Fortress of Joy

Subject: Retaining Godly Joy 


Foundation of Sand

Subject: Who Are the Church Fathers? 





Foundations of Sand

Subject: Remnant Idolatries 


Four Points of Faith



Four Views of Christ (Part 1)

Subject: Introduction 


Four Views of Christ (Part 2)

Subject: Introduction, cont. 


Four Views of Christ (Part 3)

Subject: Matthew 


Four Views of Christ (Part 4)

Subject: Mark 


Four Views of Christ (Part 5)

Subject: Luke 


Four Views of Christ (Part 6)

Subject: John 


Four Views of Christ (Part 7)

Subject: Conclusion of Series 


Four Warnings (Part Four): Founded on the Rock

Subject: Remaining Centered on Christ 


Four Warnings (Part One): Enter By the Narrow Gate

Subject: God's Way Is Not Easy 


Four Warnings (Part Three): I Never Knew You

Subject: Lawlessness 


Four Warnings (Part Two): Beware of False Prophets

Subject: Evaluate the Fruits 


Freedom and Unleavened Bread

Subject: Slavery and Sin 


Freedom's Dark Underbelly

Subject: The Wrong Freedom Produces Disastrous Results 


Freedom, Liberty, and Bondage

Subject: God's Aim is to Change Our Thinking 











Friendship Within the Church

Subject: Cultivating Godly Friendships 


From Both Sides Now and the Feast of Tabernacles



From Both Sides Now and the Greatest Day



From Dust to Glory



From Faith to Love



From Pilgrims to Pillars (Part One)

Subject: Cleansing and Editing Metaphors  


From Pilgrims to Pillars (Part Two)

Subject: Refinement, Enhancement, and Glorification Metaphors  


From Pride to Humility

Subject: Spiritually Wealthy and Poor 


From Rubble to Utopia

Subject: The Work of Millennium 


From Separation to Refinement

Subject: Elijah's Walk of Faith 


From Start to Finish

Subject: Mending Our Spiritual Nets 


From Whom Do We Seek Honor

Subject: Seeking Honor From God 


Fruit of the Body



Fruit of the Flesh - On Conflict

Subject: Avoiding Un-necessry Conflict 


Fulfill My Joy

Subject: Journey By Determing God's Expectations for Us 


Fulfilling the Law

Subject: Following in Christ's Footsteps 


Fulfillment of the Law

Subject: The Law's Impact on the Days of Unleavened Bread 


Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part Four)



Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part One)



Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part Six, Conclusion)

Subject: Self-Government 


Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part Three)



Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part Two)


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