
Articles | Bible Q&A |  Bible Studies | Booklets | Sermons

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Take Heed and Remember the Less Fortunate



Take Heed to Yourselves

Subject: Christ's Warning in Luke 21:34 


Take My Yoke

Subject: Becoming Yoked With Christ 


Take the Red Pill

Subject: Overcoming Self Absorbtion 


Taking On An Attitude of a Bond Servant

Subject: Following Christ's Example of Servanthood  


Taking the Kingdom by Force

Subject: Understanding the Kingdom of God 


Taking Your Priestly Responsibilities Seriously!

Subject: Malachi 1 


Targeted Destruction

Subject: God Controls the End Time Events 


Taste and See

Subject: Offertory 


Teach Them Young

Subject: Three Parenting Directives 


Teach Us To Pray! (Part One)

Subject: How Jesus Prayed 


Teach Us To Pray! (Part Two)

Subject: The Disciples' Prayer 


Teach Your Children



Teaching By Example

Subject: Children Learn By What Their Parents Do 


Teaching Children



Teaching the Good News of the Promise



Teaching Us to Think (Part One)

Subject: Developing the Mind of Christ 


Teaching Us To Think (Part Three): Proving God's Will

Subject: Living Righteously With Christ 


Teaching Us to Think (Part Two)

Subject: Renewing the Mind by God's Spirit 


Teachings from Tabernacles



Teachings From Tabernacles (2021)



Temptations: Trials and Tests

Subject: God Tests Without Enticing To Sin 


Tempting God (Numbers 14)



Tent of God



Test the Spirit

Subject: False Prophets 


Tested: Our Trust in God's Promises

Subject: God Has Our Backs 


Testing Spiritual Character

Subject: How Trials Describe Character 


Testing the Spirits (Part 1)

Subject: The Spirit of the Antichrist 


Testing the Spirits (Part 2)

Subject: Jesus Christ Has Come in the Flesh 


Tests of True Knowledge

Subject: Knowledge Puffs Up 


Thank You For Being A Friend

Subject: Jesus Christ: The Source of True Friendship 


Thank You for Finishing What You Start!

Subject: Philippians 1:1-11 





Thankfulness (1986)

Subject: Being Thankful 


Thankfulness for Righteous Judgment




Subject: How are you doing at being thankful? 


That Great Day of the Feast

Subject: Rivers of Living Water 


That Lucky ol' Sun's Got Nothing To Do But Roll Around Heaven All Day

Subject: Debunking the Myth of Laziness in the Afterlife 


That No Flesh Should Glory



The "Open Door" of Philadelphia

Subject: The Lesson of Shebna and Eliakim 


The 'Martha, Martha' Story

Subject: The Good Part Mary Chose 


The 'Rest' of Hebrews 4

Subject: Our Rest Is Yet Unfulfilled 


The Absence-Presence Dichotomy and God's Spirit



The Abundant Life

Subject: The Kind of Life God Wants Us to Live 


The Adversary

Subject: Satan Exists and is Active 


The Agape Evolution

Subject: Perfection of Wisdom From Fear to Love 


The Angel and the Apostle



The Anger of Man

Subject: Righteous and Unrighteous Anger 


The Ant

Subject: The Way of the Ants 


The Apostle Thomas



The Appointed Time for Israel



The Appointed Time of the Resurrection

Subject: The Resurrection and Return of Jesus Christ 


The Appointed Weeks of Pentecost



The Attitude of Esau

Subject: What Is Your Salvation Worth? 


The Awe-Inspiring Creative Work of God



The Awesome Cost of Salvation

Subject: Passover 


The Back Door

Subject: The Fight Against Our Unseen Vulnerabilities 


The Beast From the Earth and 666

Subject: The False Prophet and the Number of the Beast 


The Beast of Get

Subject: The Financial Meltdown and Underlying Cause 


The Beast's Militarism

Subject: A Lover of War 


The Beauty of God's Law

Subject: A Blessing to Those Who Obey It 


The Beginning of Heresies

Subject: Satan's Deceptions from the Garden of Eden 


The Beginning of History



The Beginning of Sorrows



The Belt of Truth

Subject: The Belt Provides Stability to the Armor of God 


The Bethel Stone



The Bible Does Not Have All the Answers!

Subject: A Book of Instruction for Godly Living 


The Blessing of Jacob's Flocks

Subject: Vision and Works 


The Blind See

Subject: Christ Is the Light of the World 


The Blood Moons

Subject: Rightly Dividing the Word 


The Book of Daniel (Part Eight)

Subject: Daniel 11:2 - 12:13 


The Book of Daniel (Part Five)

Subject: Daniel 7:1-28 


The Book of Daniel (Part Four)

Subject: Daniel Chapter 5 and 6 


The Book of Daniel (Part One)

Subject: Daniel's Background 


The Book of Daniel (Part Seven)



The Book of Daniel (Part Six)

Subject: Daniel 8:1-9:23 


The Book of Daniel (Part Three)

Subject: God is For Us! 


The Book of Daniel (Part Two)

Subject: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream 


The Book of Joel (Part One)

Subject: Joel 1:1 - 2:17 


The Book of Joel (Part Three)

Subject: Joel 3:1-21 


The Book of Joel (Part Two)

Subject: Joel 2:18-32 


The Book of Life

Subject: Citizens of Heaven 


The Born Again

Subject: It Is Not A Begettal 


The Branch Of God's Planting



The Bread and Wine of Passover



The Bride of Christ



The Burden of Sin



The Capital of the World

Subject: Standing on the Walls of New Jerusalem 


The Case Against Pride

Subject: Common Pitfalls of Pride 


The Certainty of God's Promises



The Challenge of Growth in the New Eden

Subject: Millennial Growth Management 


The Cheerful Giver

Subject: The Joy of Giving 


The Chemistry of Government

Subject: Childrearing 


The Children of His Servants



The Choice is Yours!

Subject: The Law of Increase 


The Christian and the World (Part Eight)

Subject: Friend of World, Enemy of God 


The Christian and the World (Part Five)

Subject: The Course of the World 


The Christian and the World (Part Four)

Subject: Satan's Deceptions 


The Christian and the World (Part Nine)

Subject: Resisting the World 


The Christian and the World (Part One)

Subject: The World 


The Christian and the World (Part Seven)

Subject: Our View of the World 


The Christian and the World (Part Six)

Subject: The Spirit of the World 


The Christian and the World (Part Ten)

Subject: Resisting Satan 


The Christian and the World (Part Three)

Subject: The Converted and Unconverted Man 


The Christian and the World (Part Two)

Subject: Don't Love the World 


The Christian Medal of Honor

Subject: Honor to Those Who Humbly Work What Is Good 


The Christian Walk (Part Four): Mutual Submission in Godly Fear

Subject: Esteem Others Better 


The Christian Walk (Part One): In Love



The Christian Walk (Part Three): In Wisdom

Subject: Precise Christian Living 


The Christian Walk (Part Two): In Light

Subject: You Are the Light of the World 


The Church Family - Convinced and Persuaded

Subject: Faith and Submission in the Family of God 


The Church, One Body

Subject: A Community Made Up of Individuals 


The Clear Light Of A God-Given Life



The Colossian Heresy and Laodiceanism

Subject: Erosion of the Faith Once Delivered 


The Commandments (Part Eight)

Subject: The Sabbath, Part Four 


The Commandments (Part Eighteen)

Subject: Bearing False Witness 


The Commandments (Part Eleven)

Subject: Honor Your Parents, Part Two 


The Commandments (Part Fifteen)

Subject: You Shall Not Kill, Part Three 


The Commandments (Part Five)

Subject: The Sabbath (Part One) 


The Commandments (Part Four)

Subject: Taking God's Name In Vain 


The Commandments (Part Fourteen)

Subject: You Shall Not Kill, Part Two 


The Commandments (Part Nine)

Subject: The Sabbath, Part Five 


The Commandments (Part Nineteen)

Subject: Coveting/Lusting/Desire and Idolatry 


The Commandments (Part One)

Subject: Idolatry, Part One 


The Commandments (Part Seven)

Subject: The Sabbath, Part Three 


The Commandments (Part Seventeen)

Subject: Thou Shalt Not Steal 


The Commandments (Part Six)

Subject: The Sabbath, Part Two 


The Commandments (Part Sixteen)

Subject: Adultery and Sexual Sins 


The Commandments (Part Ten)

Subject: Honor Your Parents, Part One 


The Commandments (Part Thirteen)

Subject: You Shall Not Kill, Part One 


The Commandments (Part Three)

Subject: Idolatry, Part Three 


The Commandments (Part Twelve)

Subject: Honor Your Parents, Part Three 


The Commandments (Part Two)

Subject: Idolatry, Part Two 


The Concept of Focus



The Concept of New



The Conquering Offensive!

Subject: Our Spiritual Warfare 


The Consequences of Affluence

Subject: Sacrifice vs. Consumption 


The Continuous Testing of Our Faith



The Convicted Soldier

Subject: Uriah: A Soldier With Conviction of Purpose 


The Corps Of Discovery



The Cost of Bitterness

Subject: Haman's Bitterness 


The Cost of Reconciliation

Subject: Peace Among Brethren 


The Counting Lessons #2 and #3



The Covenant of Circumcision

Subject: Does it Apply Today? 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Eight)

Subject: Sanctification 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Eighteen)

Subject: Does a Specific Verse Nullify a Law? (B) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Eleven)

Subject: New Covenant Israel 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Fifteen)

Subject: The Spirit of the Law 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Five)

Subject: Justification and Obligation 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Four)

Subject: Justification 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Fourteen)

Subject: Psalm 19: The Law Is Not Done Away 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Nine)

Subject: Sanctification, conclusion 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Nineteen)

Subject: Christ's Example Verifies the Law 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part One)

Subject: Defining Some Issues 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Seven)

Subject: Circimcision of the Heart 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Seventeen)

Subject: Does a Specific Verse Nullify a Law? (A) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Six)

Subject: Circumcision 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Sixteen)

Subject: Does Law Define Sin? 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Ten)

Subject: A Testament and a Covenant 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Thirteen)

Subject: Benefits of Christ's Sacrifice 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Three)

Subject: Defining Some Terms 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twelve)

Subject: Why the New Covenant is Better 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty)

Subject: Colossians (A) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Eight)

Subject: Galatians (E) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Five)

Subject: Galatians (B) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Four)

Subject: Galatians (A) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Nine)

Subject: Summary of Series 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-One)

Subject: Colossians (B) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Seven)

Subject: Galatians (D) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Six)

Subject: Galatians (C) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Three)

Subject: Colossians (D) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Two)

Subject: Colossians (C) 


The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Two)

Subject: Christianity is a Way of Life 


The Cunning of Satan

Subject: God Is Preparing Us Against Satan 


The Curse



The Cursed Redeemer

Subject: Christ and Deuteronomy 21:22-23 


The Danger of Outside Suggestion

Subject: Hypnosis 


The Danger of Trusting in Oneself

Subject: Isaiah 5:21 


The Daniel Boone In All Of Us



The Day God Rested

Subject: Blessings of the Sabbath 


The Day of Atonement and Israel's Future

Subject: National Immorality and Cleansing 


The Day of Israel's Calamity

Subject: Prepare to Meet Your God 


The Day of Trumpets and the Church of God

Subject: Restoring the True Worship of God 


The Days of Independence

Subject: 7 Freedoms We Have In Christ 


The Days of Noah

Subject: Genesis 6 and the End Time 


The Defense of Common Sense

Subject: God's Wisdom vs. the Wisdom of the World 


The Desires of Our Heart

Subject: Delighting in the Lord 


The Devotion of the Firstfruits

Subject: Offertory 


The Dew of Heaven

Subject: God's Spirit 


The Divine Principle of Assimilation

Subject: Citizenship Comes with Obligations 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Eight): Romans 10

Subject: The Righteousness of Faith 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Eleven): Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33

Subject: Nations Are Families Grown Large 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Fifteen):The Israel of God

Subject: A Matter of Response 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Five): A Remnant of Judah

Subject: Exile, Return, and Disobedience 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Four): God's Indictment

Subject: Why God Had to Punish Israel 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Fourteen): Israel Redeemed

Subject: The Fulfillment of Atonement 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Nine): Romans 11



The Doctrine of Israel (Part One): Origins

Subject: How Israel Came to Be 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Seven): Romans 9

Subject: An Elect Remnant 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Six): New Testament Teaching

Subject: Israel in the Gospels-Acts 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Ten): Where Is Israel Today?

Subject: Biblical Directions to Modern Israel 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Thirteen): Jacob's Trouble

Subject: The Necessary Punishment of Israel 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Three): A Cycle of Rebellion

Subject: A Carnal People 


The Doctrine of Israel (Part Twelve): Joseph



The Doctrine of Israel (Part Two): The Old Covenant

Subject: Terms and Conditions 


The Door of the Sheep

Subject: Purposes of a Door 


The Dynamic Character of the Church

Subject: Offertory 


The Effort of the End

Subject: Endtime Lessons From Nehemiah 4 


The Eighth Commandment

Subject: Stealing 


The Eighth Day



The Eighth Day (2019)



The Elder Brother



The Elephant in the Room

Subject: Overcoming Our Passive Aggressive Behavior 


The Elijah Syndrome



The Emotion Ocean

Subject: Understanding and Navigating Our Emotional Fellowship 


The End



The End Is Not Yet

Subject: Warnings of Coming Punishment 


The Endurance of the Firstfruits

Subject: Beware Hardness of Heart 


The Epistle of You

Subject: Does God See Christ When Looking at Us? 


The Epistles of II and III John (Part One)

Subject: Avoid Friendship with False Teachers 


The Epistles of II and III John (Part Two)



The Essence of Self-Control

Subject: Purity of the Body and Holiness of the Heart 


The Fable of the Hedge Apple and the Recluse Spider



The Failure of Miracles to Produce Righteousness



The Faith of Israel

Subject: Jericho and the Last Day of Unleavened Bread 


The Faith Of Israel (2007)

Subject: Overcoming The Will Of Man 


The Faith of Joseph

Subject: Confidence In God's Word 


The Faith Once Delivered



The Faithfulness of God



The Faithfulness of God (Part One)



The Faithfulness of God (Part Three)



The Faithfulness of God (Part Two)



The Fall of Jerusalem and the Coming of the Son of Man

Subject: The Day of the Lord 


The Fall of Satan

Subject: The Failed Coup That Created a Devil 


The Falling Away

Subject: The World and the Church 


The False Christ Deception

Subject: Was Christ Really Resurrected? 


The Father's Promise of Power!



The Father-Son Relationship (Part Eight)

Subject: There Is One Supreme God — The Father 


The Father-Son Relationship (Part Five)

Subject: Christ's Submission to the Father, Cont'd 


The Father-Son Relationship (Part Four)

Subject: Christ's Submission to the Father 


The Father-Son Relationship (Part One)

Subject: The Bible Defines God's Nature 


The Father-Son Relationship (Part Seven)

Subject: The Lord Is The Spirit 


The Father-Son Relationship (Part Six)

Subject: Strength for Submitting 


The Father-Son Relationship (Part Three)

Subject: The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ 


The Father-Son Relationship (Part Two)

Subject: The Word and Form of God 


The Fear of God

Subject: Becoming Submissive 


The Fear of God (Part Four)

Subject: Conclusion of Series 


The Fear of God (Part One)

Subject: Faith, Hope, Love and Fear 


The Fear of God (Part Three)

Subject: Head Toward Sanctification 


The Fear of God (Part Two)

Subject: Our Comprehension of Him 


The Fear of the Lord is to Hate Evil

Subject: Eternal Wisdom 


The Feast Brings Hope

Subject: The Antidote to the Pernicious Culture Wars 


The Feast of Tabernacles and Unleavened Bread



The Fifth Commandment



The Fifth Teacher

Subject: The Wisdom of the Age 


The Fig Tree



The First Commandment: Idolatry



The First Day of Unleavened Bread (Part One)

Subject: Distinguishing the Passover from the First Day of Unleavened Bread 


The First Day of Unleavened Bread (Part Two)

Subject: The Importance of the First Day of Unleavened Bread 


The First Temptation of Christ

Subject: Facets of God; Outworking 


The Firstborn

Subject: Who and What They Are 


The Firstfruits Declaration



The Firstfruits Offering

Subject: Giving Thanks for God's Goodness 


The Five Paraklete Sayings

Subject: Christ in Us: Five Functions of God's Spirit 


The Five Warnings of Hebrews

Subject: Their Applications to Us 


The Flaming Sword

Subject: The Spirit of the Law 


The Foolishness of Bias

Subject: Misguided Zeal and Human Reasoning 


The Foundation of God

Subject: How Are We Building on God's Foundation? 


The Foundation of the World

Subject: Beginnings are Important 


The Four Cups of Wine



The Fourth Commandment (Part 1)

Subject: Saturday or Sunday? 


The Fourth Commandment (Part 2)

Subject: How To Keep The Sabbath 


The Fourth Commandment (Part 3)

Subject: Why Did the World Change the Sabbath? 


The Fourth Commandment (Part 4)

Subject: A Work Day vs. A Rest Day 


The Fourth Commandment (Part 5)

Subject: Conclusion of Series 


The Fourth Commandment: Idolatry

Subject: Sabbath and Idolatry 


The Fourth Freedom

Subject: Freedom From Fear 


The Fruit of Repentance

Subject: Real Repentance Produces Things 


The Fruits of Forgiveness



The Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades

Subject: What We Have to Look Forward To 


The Genuineness of Your Faith



The Gift of Eternal Life



The Gift of Milk and Honey



The Gifts We've Been Given

Subject: Are We Thankful? 


The Glory of God (Part 1): The Shekinah

Subject: The Fiery Pillar of Cloud 


The Glory of God (Part 2): In Christ

Subject: Full of Grace and Truth 


The Glory of God (Part 3): From Glory to Glory

Subject: Putting on Christ 


The Glory of God (Part 4): Glorifying God

Subject: How to Glorify God 


The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses

Subject: Yahweh and the Angel of the Lord 


The God of All Comfort

Subject: Healing the Brokenhearted 


The Good Leaven

Subject: A Different Analogy! 


The Good Man and His Grandchildren

Subject: Providing a Lasting Inheritance 


The Good Ol' Days



The Good Teacher



The Good Work

Subject: Looking At the Broad Sweep 


The Goodness and Severity of God



The Gospel of Jesus' Wife



The Government of God

Subject: The Solution to Mankind's Problems 


The Grand Secret!



The Great Con

Subject: Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit 


The Great Divide

Subject: Recognizing the Dangers of Hidden Bitterness Within Our Fellowship 


The Great Flood (Part Eight)

Subject: The Rainbow and the Curse 


The Great Flood (Part Five)

Subject: God Remembers Noah 


The Great Flood (Part Four)

Subject: Deluge 


The Great Flood (Part One)

Subject: Prelude To Deluge 


The Great Flood (Part Seven)

Subject: The Post-Flood Covenant 


The Great Flood (Part Six)

Subject: The Waters Recede 


The Great Flood (Part Three)

Subject: Beauty and Noah's Floating Zoo 


The Great Flood (Part Two)

Subject: God Commissions Noah 


The Great Mystery



The Great Retreat

Subject: The Hazards of Disengagement From Our Fellowship 


The Great Unknown

Subject: Coping With the Unrevealed Mysteries of God 


The Great White Throne

Subject: What Is God's Throne Like? 


The Great Work the Lord Has Done!

Subject: The Last Day of Unleavened Bread 


The Greatest Grace: Faith and Our Heavenly Shield

Subject: What Has God Given Us?! 


The Greatest Motivation

Subject: God's Agape Spirit 


The Greatest Treasure

Subject: Staying Focused on What Matters 


The Greatness of God's Power

Subject: Made Alive by His Holy Spirit 


The Gun Lap Is Looming

Subject: The Hardest May Lie Just Ahead 


The Hand You're Dealt

Subject: Thou Shalt Not Covet: A Look Into the Heart 


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (1994)

Subject: Foretelling the Future 


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (1995)

Subject: The Church and the World 


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (1996): Scattering

Subject: God's Warnings to the Church of God 


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (1997)

Subject: The Decline of the Churches 


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (2000)

Subject: Leadership 


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (2002)

Subject: The Rise of the Gentiles 


The Handwriting Is on The Wall (2003)

Subject: The Night Is Far Spent 


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (2004)

Subject: A Sense of Weariness 


The Handwriting Is on the Wall (2005)

Subject: Destruction of the Family 


The Handwriting is on the Wall (2008)

Subject: Deuteronomy 28 


The Handwriting Is On the Wall (2010)

Subject: Your Perception is Your Reality 


The Handwriting Is On the Wall (2011)

Subject: The Underground Church 


The Handwriting is on the Wall (2017): The Fourth Turning



The Handwriting Is on the Wall (2021)



The Handwriting Is On the Wall (Part One) (2007)

Subject: Fearing and Believing God Like Abraham 


The Handwriting Is On the Wall (Part Two) (2007)

Subject: Waiting on God 


The Handwriting is on the Wall: Conspiracies



The Handwriting on the Wall (2012)

Subject: A Culture in Steep Decline 


The Hard Makes it Great



The Harvest is Almost In



The Healing of a Man Born Blind (Part One)

Subject: Why Do We Suffer? 


The Healing of a Man Born Blind (Part Three)

Subject: Trusting Your Well-being To Christ 


The Healing of a Man Born Blind (Part Two)

Subject: Growth in Knowledge and Understanding 


The Heart of a Leader

Subject: King David in the Proverbs 


The Heart's Self-Absorption

Subject: Jeremiah 17:9; II Timothy 3:1-5 


The Hebrew God IS God!

Subject: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Walk Through the Fire 


The Helper and the Angel of the Lord

Subject: Seeing Jesus Christ Clearly 


The High Christology of Colossians

Subject: Christ is Preeminent 


The Highway of Holiness

Subject: Remembering Where We Came From 


The Holiness Code

Subject: Leviticus 17-23 


The Holy Spirit

Subject: What IS the Holy Spirit? 


The Holy Spirit

Subject: What it is and Why it is Given 


The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Five)

Subject: Christ In Us 


The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Four)

Subject: The Heart, Spirit, and Wisdom 


The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part One)

Subject: What is the Trinity? 


The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Seven)

Subject: Seeking God 


The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Six)

Subject: Gifts of His Will 


The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Three)

Subject: God as a Father 


The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Two)

Subject: The Meaning of the Spirit 


The Holy Spirit: The Power of God

Subject: Power of God, Not A Trinity 


The Honeycomb

Subject: Psalm 16:24 


The Honor of the Saints

Subject: We Are Part of God's Army! 


The Household of God and Loyalty

Subject: Commitment to God, the Family, and the Brethren 


The Household of God and Truth

Subject: Importance of the Family 


The Humblest of Beginnings

Subject: CGG's Internet Work 


The Immortal Soul and the Plan of God



The Immutability of God

Subject: Our Unchanging God 


The Importance of Doctrine

Subject: The Church, the Pillar and Ground of Truth 


The Imposter Syndrome



The Iniquity of the Amorites

Subject: Their Corruption is in Them 


The Intended Result of Calamity

Subject: Following the Cloud 


The Intercessory Character of Christ



The Intertestamental Period



The Isaiah 58 Puzzle



The Jesus Deficit

Subject: Lessons From Laodicea 


The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength!

Subject: Joy Springs from the Relationship 


The Joyful Advantage

Subject: Building Joy in a Negative World 


The Judgments

Subject: Last Great Day 


The King of the South

Subject: Can It Be Radical Islam? 


The King's Highway



The Kingdom of God

Subject: How it Will Be 


The Laborers: Matthew 20:1-16

Subject: The Welfare Mentality 


The Lamb of God

Subject: Jesus Christ's Example 


The Lamb of Revelation



The Last Adam

Subject: The Alpha and the Omega 


The Last Great Day

Subject: God Is Preparing Us for Leadership 


The Last Great Day of Reconciliation



The Last Jubilee



The Last Words of Jesus Christ

Subject: Seven Final Utterances of Our Savior 


The Law Of Jealousy

Subject: Standing Before God 


The Law of Liberty



The Law of the Land

Subject: Obeying for the Sake of Conscience 


The Law's Purpose and Intent

Subject: Passover Preparation and the Spirit of the Law 


The Leavening of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herod



The Lenders Are Coming

Subject: Spiritual Indebtedness 


The Lesson of the Night to be Much Observed

Subject: God is Watching 


The Life Which I Now Live



The Light of Day and the Dark of Night



The Light of God's Glory



The Light of the World



The Longest Night

Subject: Passover 


The Longsuffering of God



The Longsuffering of Our Lord Is Salvation

Subject: Our Duty to be Longsuffering 


The Lord Gives



The Lord is My Light and Salvation



The Lord Our God Is One: Echad

Subject: Unity of God's Spirit 


The Lord's Nourishing and Cherishing



The Lord's Supper



The Love of Christ

Subject: Love's Width, Length, Depth, and Height 


The Love of Money

Subject: The Root of All Kinds of Evil 


The Lures Of Satan

Subject: Overcoming Temptation 


The Magnificent Work of God

Subject: Practical Lesson for Passover 


The Man Like a Tree

Subject: What Is Your Source? 


The Manifold Grace of God

Subject: Grace 


The March Toward Globalism (Part Eight)



The March Toward Globalism (Part Five)

Subject: Childrearing's Part 


The March Toward Globalism (Part Four)

Subject: Childrearing 


The March Toward Globalism (Part One)

Subject: The End-Time System Is Forming 


The March Toward Globalism (Part Seven)



The March Toward Globalism (Part Six)



The March Toward Globalism (Part Three)

Subject: Satan Twists Childrearing 


The March Toward Globalism (Part Two)

Subject: Satan Is in the Business of Child-training 


The March Towards Globalism (Part 1b)

Subject: Review and Conclusion of Feast Sermon 


The Mark of the Beast

Subject: Revelation 13:16-18 


The Master of Time



The Meaning of "In Christ"



The Meaning of 'Today'

Subject: Jesus Christ and the Criminal on the Stake 


The Meaning of the Offering



The Measure of Christ's Gift

Subject: Call to Unity 


The Meek

Subject: Humble Compliance to God 


The Meekness and Gentleness of Christ

Subject: A Gentle Spirit Is Very Precious to God 


The Merciful

Subject: A Reflection of God's Mercy 


The Messenger of Christ

Subject: A Perspective on Herbert W. Armstrong 


The Messiah in Three Psalms

Subject: The Good, Great, and Chief Shepherd of Psalms 22, 23, and 24 


The Millennium and Union With Christ



The Millennium Sabbath



The Ministry

Subject: Trusting Our Ministers 


The Miracle of God's Calling



The Momentum of Sin



The Momentum of Sin Redux



The More Things Change

Subject: 1st Century Problems  


The Most Dangerous Battlefront

Subject: Carnal Nature 


The Mystery of Goodness

Subject: Goodness as an Inherent Attribute of God 


The Mystery of the Church

Subject: The Unity Necessary for Perfection 


The Mystery of the Church (2005)

Subject: The Human Body Is a Simile for the Body of Christ 


The Nanny Church

Subject: Internal vs. External Control 


The Nature of God: Elohim

Subject: The God Family 


The Need for Forgiveness

Subject: The Role of Forgiveness in a Christian's Life 


The Need to Escape and Be Rescued



The Needed Dimension

Subject: Cooperation and Love with God and Man 


The New Normal

Subject: Do Not Be Conformed To This World 


The New World Order Rises



The Night to be Much Observed

Subject: Night to be Much Observed 


The Night to be Much Observed (2011)



The Ninth Commandment

Subject: Seeking Reality and Embodying Truth 


The Not-A-Problem Folk



The Number Three in Scripture

Subject: Peter's Fear 


The Occult

Subject: New Age-Babylonian Occultism 


The Offering of the Wise Men

Subject: Offertory 


The Old Stories



The Only Sure Thing

Subject: Who or What Can We Trust? 


The Operations Manual

Subject: Guidance and Preparation 


The Origin of Hanukkah

Subject: Should We Celebrate It? 


The Original Sin Question



The Other Great Tribulation

Subject: A Prelude to American Socialism 


The Overcoming Skill

Subject: Developing Our Wall of Self-Control 


The Parable of the Leaven, Expanded

Subject: Love of the Brethren Corrupted 


The Parable of the Wheat and Tares



The Paradoxical Test of Character

Subject: Offertory 


The Passover Memorial

Subject: The Passover and Memorial Day 


The Passover of the Most High God

Subject: The Governance of God in the Affairs Of Men 


The Path to Magnificence

Subject: The Father Will Never Leave or Forsake 


The Patient Pineapple



The Pattern of Creation



The Patterns of God

Subject: Trumpets: The Real War to End all Wars  


The Peacemakers

Subject: An Identifier of God's Children 


The Pentecost Offering

Subject: Paying Tribute to the King 


The Pentecost Witness



The Perfect Husband

Subject: Christ's Example for Us 


The Perfect Marriage

Subject: The Higher Purposes of Marriage 


The Perfect Stones

Subject: Unity Comes Through a Common Standard 


The Perfect Wife

Subject: The Fruit of Godly Submission 


The Peter Principle



The Petrified Heart



The Pharisees (Part 1)

Subject: Their Origin and Traits 


The Pharisees (Part 2)

Subject: Confrontations and Pitfalls 


The Pharisees (Part 3)

Subject: Matthew 23 


The Philosophy of Black Friday

Subject: Materialism and Covetousness 


The Plagues of Egypt



The Plan of Salvation in Genesis 3:15

Subject: An Early Glimpse of The Gospel 


The Politicalization of Motherhood



The Poor in Spirit

Subject: The Attitude of Spiritual Deficiency 


The Post-Resurrection Last Words of Christ (Part One)

Subject: John 20:19-23 


The Post-Resurrection Last Words of Christ (Part Three)

Subject: 6th and 7th Sayings; John 21:15-25 


The Post-Resurrection Last Words of Christ (Part Two)

Subject: Christ's Fourth and Fifth Last Sayings 


The Posture of Prayer

Subject: Is There a 'Right' Position to Pray? 


The Power of 'Thank You'



The Prayers of Jesus

Subject: Christ's Example in Prayer 


The Preparation Day

Subject: Receiving the Gift of the Sabbath 


The Presence of the Eternal

Subject: Offertory 


The Present and Future Crisis (Part One)

Subject: Oil and the Economy 


The Present and Future Crisis (Part Two)

Subject: Economic Armageddon and Conspiracies 


The Present Harvest (Part One)

Subject: The Need for Compassion 


The Present Harvest (Part Two)

Subject: Everyone's Responsibility 


The Preservation of Wealth



The Preservation Of Wealth

Subject: Saving Is a Duty 


The Price of Your Life

Subject: Do Not Undervalue the Sacrifice of Christ 


The Pride of the Ephraimites

Subject: Pride Goes Before a Fall 


The Priesthood of God (Part Eight)



The Priesthood of God (Part Five)



The Priesthood of God (Part Four)



The Priesthood of God (Part Nine)



The Priesthood of God (Part One)

Subject: The Temple and Its Priesthood 


The Priesthood of God (Part Seven)



The Priesthood of God (Part Six)

Subject: The Priestly Garments 


The Priesthood of God (Part Ten) Conclusion

Subject: Our Service as Priests 


The Priesthood of God (Part Three)

Subject: Holiness 


The Priesthood of God (Part Two)

Subject: Continuing the Foundation  


The Prime Directive



The Principle of Rebuke

Subject: Rebuking With Mercy 


The Prisoners

Subject: Forgiveness  


The Problem Of Leadership



The Problem with Untrustworthiness

Subject: Do you Trust God? 


The Process of Love

Subject: A Lifelong Walk 


The Process of Righteous Judgment

Subject: The Last Great Day 


The Promise and the Kingdom



The Promises of God

Subject: Encouragement and Motivation in the Promises 


The Providence of God (Part Five)

Subject: A Scattered Church 


The Providence of God (Part Four)

Subject: All Things Work Together for Good 


The Providence of God (Part One)

Subject: God's Miracles 


The Providence of God (Part Seven)

Subject: Providence 


The Providence of God (Part Six)

Subject: Jacob's Example 


The Providence of God (Part Three)

Subject: God's Providence 


The Providence of God (Part Two)

Subject: God: Creator and Destroyer 


The Pure in Heart

Subject: Seeing God 


The Purpose of Israel

Subject: Why God Chose Israel 


The Purpose of Offerings

Subject: Appreciating God's Providence 


The Purpose of Relationships

Subject: Learning to Love 


The Purpose of the Church

Subject: Spiritually and Physically 


The Purpose of the Marriage Relationship



The Purpose of the Ministry

Subject: Ministerial Responsibilities 


The Purposes of Aging

Subject: A Positive View of Old Age 


The Pursuit Of Excellence



The Quest for Happiness

Subject: Happy are the people whose God is Lord 


The Quest for Permanence

Subject: Deciding Between Spiritual and Physical or Life and Death 


The Race, The Team



The Rapture and Trumpets

Subject: A False Interpretation 


The Real Prince of Egypt

Subject: Moses, Fact and Fiction 


The Reality of Evil

Subject: Self-realization 


The Reality of the Feast

Subject: Keeping Holy Days Sanctified 


The Reason for Unleavened Bread

Subject: Deliverance, Unleavened Bread, and Overcoming 


The Religion of Climate Change



The Removal of the Originator of Sin



The Reset



The Rest of the Sign of Jonah

Subject: The Preaching of Jonah 


The Rest of the Story



The Resurrection From the Dead

Subject: Feast of Trumpets 


The Resurrection: A Central Pillar



The Return of the Clouds



The Reversal of Human Will

Subject: The Effect of God's Will on Human Will 


The Right Goal

Subject: Success Depends Upon a Transcendent Vision  


The Right Use of Power

Subject: Government and Pentecost 


The Rise of AI

Subject: Knowledge Shall Increase 


The River of the Holy Spirit

Subject: Consider Our Ways 


The Road Not Taken

Subject: Taking Action 


The Role of Women

Subject: The Bible's View of Women 


The Sabbath a Delight

Subject: Sabbath is an Exquisite Delight 


The Sabbath: Creation



The Sabbath: Redemption



The Sabbath: Rest

Subject: Shabbat, Nuach, and Sabbatismos 


The Sacred Assemblies



The Sacrifices of Leviticus (Part 1)

Subject: Types of Christ 


The Sacrifices of Leviticus (Part 2)

Subject: The Burnt Offering 


The Sacrifices of Leviticus (Part 3)

Subject: The Burnt Offering, cont. 


The Sacrifices of Leviticus (Part 4)

Subject: The Meal Offering 


The Sacrifices of Leviticus (Part 5)

Subject: The Meal and Peace Offerings 


The Same Mind, Judgment, and Speech

Subject: Knowledge  


The Scepter, Duty, and the Days of Unleavened Bread



The Second Commandment: Idolatry

Subject: The Way We Worship 


The Second Death

Subject: A Lifetime of Little Choices 


The Second Exodus (Part 1)

Subject: God's Mercy and Justice Toward Jacob 


The Second Exodus (Part 2)

Subject: God's Faithfulness 


The Second Greatest Commandment



The Second Passover

Subject: Who Can Take It and Why 


The Second Resurrection

Subject: Explanation 


The Second Resurrection and Union With Christ



The Secret Sin Everyone Commits

Subject: Self-rightousness 


The Seed of Eternal Life



The Selfsame Day

Subject: An Easily Missed Clue 


The Seventh Commandment: Adultery

Subject: A Problem of Faithlessness 


The Seventh Trumpet

Subject: The Last Trumpet 


The Seventy-Five Cent Screwdriver



The Shemitah: God's Year of Release



The Shepherd of Israel

Subject: Between The Cherubim 


The Shepherd's Guidance



The Ship Is Yours

Subject: Learning to Become Decision Makers 


The Shout of a King



The Signs of God

Subject: Remembering God's Words 


The Sin of Esau



The Sin of Self-Deception

Subject: Self-Deception 


The Sixth Century Axial Period (Part One)



The Sixth Century Axial Period (Part Two)

Subject: God's Involvement Through Prophets 


The Sixth Commandment

Subject: War, Suicide, and Murder 


The Sixth Seal and Israel



The Small and Great Standing Before God



The Solid Foundation of God



The Song of Moses

Subject: A Unique New Song 


The Sound of Someone Listening

Subject: How Silence Can Serve Our Fellowship 


The Source of Church Characteristics (Part One)



The Source of Church Characteristics (Part Two)



The Sovereignty of God (Part Eight)

Subject: Prayer 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Eleven)

Subject: Values of the Sovereignty Doctrine 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Five)

Subject: The Animate Creation 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Four)

Subject: In Administering Creation 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Nine)

Subject: Prayer (cont.) 


The Sovereignty of God (Part One)

Subject: Introduction 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Seven)

Subject: Predestination 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Six)

Subject: Over Mankind 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Ten)

Subject: Attitudes Toward 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Three)

Subject: Definition, continued 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Twelve)

Subject: Conclusion 


The Sovereignty of God (Part Two)

Subject: Definition 


The Spirit and the Way

Subject: Knowledge or Conduct? 


The Spirit of Antichrist

Subject: Denying God 


The Spirit of Babylon

Subject: Independence and Self-Determination 


The Spirit of Bondage

Subject: Spirit of Fear 


The Spirit of Gratitude

Subject: We Have Much to Be Thankful For 


The Spiritual Mark of the Beast

Subject: Anger, Aggression, and Hostility 


The Spring Holy Days

Subject: What Do You Know About What God Has Done? 


The Stones of the Jordan



The Summertime Soldier and Sunshine Patriotism

Subject: Laying Down One's Life For the Kingdom of God 


The Sword of Defense

Subject: The Sword of the Spirit: The Word of God 


The Talking Blood (1994)

Subject: Witness of Blood 


The Talking Blood (Part One)



The Talking Blood (Part Two)



The Teaching of Jesus and Prophecy



The Temple of the Lord

Subject: Keeping the Right Perspective 


The Temptations of Christ: Behold, the Lamb of God



The Tenth Commandment

Subject: Beware Covetousness 


The Thinking Mind



The Third Commandment: Idolatry

Subject: The Quality of Our Worship 


The Third Day (Part One)



The Third Day (Part Two)



The Three Angels

Subject: Prophecy Is Enigmatic 


The Three Witnesses of Christ

Subject: The Meaning of 1 John 5:7-8 


The Times They Are a-Changin'



The Torment Of The Godly



The Training of His Chosen



The Trial of Jesus

Subject: Mistrial of the Millennia 


The Trinity and the Holy Spirit (Part One)

Subject: Defining Elohim 


The Trinity and the Holy Spirit (Part Two)

Subject: No Evidence of a Third Personality 


The True Meaning of Fellowship



The True Savior of the World!

Subject: What We are Delivered From 


The True Vine of Agape



The Truth About Deception

Subject: Resisting and Overcoming Satan 


The Truth, The Lie, and Reality

Subject: Holding on to the Truth 


The Two Goats of Leviticus 16

Subject: Sacrificial Consistency and Casting Lots 


The Two Great Commandments: First Principles

Subject: Two Becoming One 


The Two Reports

Subject: The Contrast Between God's Report and Man's Report 


The Two Shall Become One

Subject: God's Plan of Physical Marriage a Foreshadow of Our Spiritual Marriage 


The Two Trees



The Two Wave Loaves of Pentecost



The Two Witnesses



The Two Witnesses (Part Five)

Subject: The Golden Bowl and Fire from Heaven 


The Two Witnesses (Part Four)

Subject: Zechariah 4 


The Two Witnesses (Part One)

Subject: The Little Book of Revelation 10:8-10 


The Two Witnesses (Part Seven)

Subject: Their Death and Resurrection (Conclusion) 


The Two Witnesses (Part Six)

Subject: The Types 


The Two Witnesses (Part Three)

Subject: Their Testimony 


The Two Witnesses (Part Two)

Subject: A Reed Like a Rod 


The Ultimate Gift



The Ultimate Job Interview

Subject: Ambassadors For Christ 


The Unknown Deadline



The Unleavened Life Is a Happy Life!

Subject: Righteousness Brings True Joy! 


The Unleavened Sinless Life!



The Unleavened Vanguard with Christ



The Unshakable Kingdom!



The Unspeakable Gift

Subject: God Gives the Increase! 


The Unsung Hero

Subject: Joseph's Faithfulness 


The Upper Room

Subject: Preparing for the Passover 


The Value of Humility



The Value of Man



The Value of Money

Subject: Luke 16:9 - The Mammon of Unrighteousness 


The Very Same Day



The Vessels of Wrath

Subject: God's Judgments and Ways 


The Vetting

Subject: An Examination of Our Self-Examination 


The Vinedresser - Revisited



The W's and H's of Meditation (Conclusion)



The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Five)

Subject: Spiritual Legacy Box 


The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Four)

Subject: Mediting on the Brevity of Life 


The W's and H's of Meditation (Part One)



The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Six)

Subject: The Case for Scripture Memorization 


The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Three)



The W's and H's of Meditation (Part Two)



The Wall, Our Work



The Wavesheaf and the Selfsame Day

Subject: Did Israel Offer the Wavesheaf in Joshua 5? 


The Way Out

Subject: Salvation of The Firstfruits 


The Way, The Truth, and the Life

Subject: How Christ Fits into the Days of Unleavened Bread 


The Wearing Out of the Saints



The Wedding Celebration



The Whole Earth

Subject: How Big Is the Empire of the Beast? 


The Widow and the Fatherless



The Wilderness Trek and Judgment Begins



The Will To Change

Subject: Repentance In Light of Our Nature 


The Wisdom of Men and Faith

Subject: Are We Unified? 


The Witty Side of God's Inspiration

Subject: Jesus Christ's Sense of Humor 


The Wonderful Ordinance of Water Baptism

Subject: Water Baptism 


The Wonderful, Powerful Gift of God's Holy Spirit



The Work of David

Subject: The Zeal of David 


The Work of the Church



The Works of the Devil Destroyed

Subject: The Purpose of the Son of God 


The World (Part 1)

Subject: What Is the World? 


The World (Part 2)

Subject: Avoiding the Ways of the World 


The Wrath of God

Subject: A Focus of Trumpets 


The Year of Release



Themes of I Corinthians (Part 1)

Subject: Paul's Ministry in Corinth 


Themes of I Corinthians (Part 2)

Subject: Party Spirit 


Themes of I Corinthians (Part 3)

Subject: Judging Righteous Judgment 


Themes of I Corinthians (Part 4)

Subject: Fleeing From Sin 


Themes of I Corinthians (Part 5)

Subject: Order in the Church 


Themes of I Corinthians (Part 6)

Subject: Personal Relationships 


Themes of I Corinthians (Part 7)

Subject: Spiritual Gifts 


Themes of I Corinthians (Part 8)

Subject: Resurrection 


Themes of Ruth (Part Four): Kindness and Faith



Themes of Ruth (Part One): Naomi

Subject: A Truly Attractive Personality 


Themes of Ruth (Part Three): Redemption

Subject: Redemption, Too, is a Process 


Themes of Ruth (Part Two): God's Providence

Subject: Providence 


Then Comes the End



There Is No "I" in Love

Subject: 5 Love Language's 


These Things We Know

Subject: Self-Evaluation 


They That Mourn

Subject: Reviewing Ezekiel's Visions 


Things Pertaining to the Kingdom!

Subject: Introduction to Acts 


Things Which Cannot Be Shaken

Subject: Empires and Law 


Think Not Thimk

Subject: Proper Use of the Preparation Day 


Think on These Things



Think on These Things (2018)



Think on This

Subject: Prayer, Bible Study, and Meditation 


Think Soberly (Part One)

Subject: The Other Side of the Coin 


Think Soberly (Part Two)

Subject: Our Reasonable Service 


This Body of Death

Subject: Romans 7:24 


This Gospel Of The Kingdom Shall Be Preached



This Land is Our Land

Subject: Land Ownership 


Those Best Prepared to Suffer with Him



Those Who Are Persecuted

Subject: Commiting Ourselves to a Faithful Creator  


Those Who Hunger and Thirst

Subject: A Perpetual Spiritual Appetite 


Those Who Live in the Light

Subject: You Will Be Hated 


Those Who Mourn

Subject: A Contrite Spirit 


Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbor

Subject: The Second Greatest Commandment 


Thou Shall Not Covet

Subject: Covetousness and Idolatry 


Three Aspects of Faith

Subject: Faith's Place in Becoming Like Christ 


Three Aspects of Faith

Subject: Simple Believing, Trust, and Christ as the Goal 


Thy Kingdom Come



Time Management



Time to Hunt

Subject: Hunters and Fishermen 


Time to Repent

Subject: God's Goodness 


Times of Uncertainty

Subject: God's Promise of Guidance 


Tisha b'Av

Subject: Commemoration of Tragic Events 



Subject: Why and How To Tithe 


Tithing: 'Try Me Now!' (Part One)



Tithing: 'Try Me Now!' (Part Two)



Titus (Part Five): A Church in Training

Subject: Paul's Approach to Slavery and Christ's Current Work 


Titus (Part Four): Traits of a Healthy Church

Subject: Sound Doctrine, Sound Congregation 


Titus (Part One): Introduction

Subject: A World Like Ours 


Titus (Part Seven): Maintaining Good Works

Subject: Grace and Works 


Titus (Part Six)

Subject: Living in This World 


Titus (Part Three): Rebuking False Teachers

Subject: Ridding the Church of False Doctrine 


Titus (Part Two): A Faithful Ministry

Subject: Qualifications for Elders 


Titus 2:11-14

Subject: Growth 


To Be, or Not To Be, Like Everyone Else?

Subject: Compromise & Syncretism 


To Do Your Will, O God!

Subject: Reconciliation 


To Him Who Overcomes (Part One)



To Him Who Overcomes (Part Two): Enduring to the End



To Pray or Not to Pray?

Subject: Praying in Public 


To Tell You The Truth

Subject: Fighting Deception with God's Truth 


To Test You

Subject: Preparing for a Position in the Kingdom 


To the Glory of God



To the Third and Fourth Generation

Subject: God's Mercy 


To Vote or Not to Vote

Subject: Should Christians Vote? 


To Watch and Keep

Subject: What We Should Get From Prophecy 


To Whom Honor Is Due

Subject: The Fifth Commandment 


Together We Stand - But on What?

Subject: Unity and Doctrine 



Subject: What are We Tolerating in Our Lives? 


Too Good to Ignore

Subject: Called to Growth 


Total Fitness

Subject: Maintaining Physical and Spiritual Fitness 


Treasure Your Birthright

Subject: Lessons From Esau and Jacob 


Treasure, Heart and Mammon

Subject: The Heart Can Be Influenced 


Tree Hugging

Subject: Twigs Can Be Dangerous 


Trial by Fire

Subject: God's Providence and Trials 


Trials Are a Gift From God

Subject: Trials Can Stretch Us and Make Us More Productive 


Trials: Much Needed Experiences

Subject: The Trials of Life 


Troubling the Household of God



True or False Guilt?

Subject: Do You Feel Guilt Over Past Sins? 


True or False Hope?

Subject: The Error of Hananiah 


True Self-Control

Subject: A Life Committed to Pleasing God 


True Spirituality

Subject: Measured By Love 


True Worship of God

Subject: The Method of Worship that Pleases God 


Truly Unleavened

Subject: Are You Clean 


Trumpets and Hope

Subject: Assurance in the Resurrection 


Trumpets and the Fall of Jericho

Subject: Inheriting the Land 


Trumpets Is a Day of Hope

Subject: Our Hope Is In God 


Trumpets Means War!

Subject: Christ Returns with a Sword! 


Trumpets, Christ's Coming, and Works

Subject: Paul's Take On What To Do Now 


Trumpets: Glorious Appearings

Subject: Exodus 19-20 and Trumpets 


Trumpets: Soon To Be Fulfilled?

Subject: Attitudes of Generation X 


Trust Issues



Trust Issues

Subject: Faithful Navigation Through A World of Distrust 


Trusting the Bible



Trusting the Instruments

Subject: Relying on God's Instruction 


Truth (Part 1)

Subject: Why is Truth so Difficult? 


Truth (Part 2)

Subject: The Search for Truth 


Truth (Part 3)

Subject: Light and Truth 


Truth (Part 4)

Subject: Holy Spirit and Truth 


Truth Just Gets in Their Way

Subject: Irreverence in Catholicism 


Truth-Based Worship Vs Spiritual Confusion



Twelfth Apostle?

Subject: Who is the Twelfth Apostle? 


Two Arks of Salvation

Subject: The Arks of Noah and Moses 


Two Contrary Visions

Subject: God's Plan versus Satan's 


Two Loaves, Baked with Leaven

Subject: Differences, Unity, and Christ's Work 


Two Realities


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