Waiting |
Subject: A Neglected Christian Discipline |
Waiting Is Work |
Subject: Abraham's Example |
Walk By Faith Not Fleece |
Subject: Lessons From Gideon |
Walking in the Spirit |
Subject: Where Do We Take the Spirit? |
Walking the Tightrope |
Subject: Maintaining Balance |
Walking Through Babylon |
Subject: A World Steeped in Paganism |
Walking With God |
Subject: Five Things Required For Walking With God |
Walking With God Through Trials |
Subject: |
Wandering or Pilgrimage? |
Subject: |
Warfare and Obedience |
Subject: |
Warfare! |
Subject: Allies and Enemies |
Warning in the Wind |
Subject: A Swarm of Spring Tornados |
Warning of Judgment, Urgency to Prepare! |
Subject: |
Was Jesus a Vegetarian? |
Subject: |
Was Jesus Christ's Body Broken? |
Subject: |
Was Job Really Self-Righteous? |
Subject: |
Was Joshua Required to Offer the Wavesheaf? |
Subject: |
Was Paul a False Apostle? |
Subject: |
Was the Early Church Socialist or Communist? |
Subject: |
Watch and Vigilantly Prepare |
Subject: |
Watch Whom You Hit With That Stick |
Subject: Sin Has Consequences |
Watching With Care |
Subject: God Loves His Creation and He is Watching |
Wavesheaf Day in the New Testament |
Subject: Understanding 'the first day of the week' |
Wavesheaf Requirements and Joshua 5 |
Subject: More on Pentecost 2001 |
We Are God's Building |
Subject: The Story of the Church Building |
We Are Not Alone |
Subject: God's Promises |
We Are Part of Something Special |
Subject: Thankfulness and Appreciation for the Brethren |
We Are Saved in This Hope |
Subject: |
We Are Unique! |
Subject: Trust |
We Can Make It! |
Subject: |
We Can Make It! |
Subject: |
We Give Our Heads and Hearts |
Subject: |
We Have an Advocate With the Father |
Subject: Christ The Intercessor And Propitiation |
We Must Believe! |
Subject: Believing the Invisible |
We Must Learn to Fly |
Subject: |
We Must Work for What We Believe |
Subject: |
We Shall Be God |
Subject: |
We Shall Be Like a Tree |
Subject: |
We Stick Together |
Subject: |
We Still Need a Sense of Urgency |
Subject: Trump's Win Does Not Give Us More Time |
We Will Serve the Lord! |
Subject: Joshua, the Son of Nun |
Wealth and Power |
Subject: Real Power and Wealth are in Righteousness |
Wealth and Righteousness |
Subject: Offertory |
Wealth, Power, Control, and Freedom |
Subject: Don't Be Enslaved |
What a Difference a Day Makes |
Subject: |
What Are My Options? |
Subject: The Necessity of Closing Doors |
What are You Doing with Your Calling? |
Subject: Get to Work |
What Are You Going To Do About It? |
Subject: |
What Are You Leaving? |
Subject: The Letter to Ephesus |
What Are Your Big Rocks? |
Subject: Putting First Things First |
What Did Nebuchadnezzar See? |
Subject: Four Kingdoms or Five? |
What Did You Say? |
Subject: Idle Words |
What Do We Do In Babylon? |
Subject: Jeremiah 29:1-7 |
What Do We Do Now? |
Subject: Repentence/Passover Preparation |
What Do We Fear The Most? |
Subject: |
What Do You Take For Granted? |
Subject: God Provides In Our Wilderness Walk |
What Does God Really Want? (Part 1) |
Subject: What is Perfection? |
What Does God Really Want? (Part 2) |
Subject: Keeping the Commandments |
What Does God Really Want? (Part 3) |
Subject: Acts of Kindness |
What Does God Really Want? (Part 4) |
Subject: Faithful Stewardship |
What Does God Really Want? (Part 5) |
Subject: Practical Virtues |
What Does God Really Want? (Part 6) |
Subject: The Work of the Holy Spirit |
What Does God Treasure? |
Subject: The Pearl of Great Price |
What Does It Mean to 'Walk in the Spirit'? |
Subject: |
What Does it Mean to Take Up the Cross? |
Subject: Surrender, Denial, and Following Christ |
What Does It Take to Be a Hero? |
Subject: |
What Does it Take to Survive? |
Subject: |
What Every Christian Must Know |
Subject: Forgiveness of Sins |
What Fills Your Jar? |
Subject: The Four Letters of Time |
What God's Love Is Not |
Subject: |
What Happened Between the Testaments? |
Subject: Preparing the World For the Messiah |
What Happens Next |
Subject: Pressing on Toward the Goal |
What Happens to Those Who Don't Obey the Gospel? |
Subject: |
What I Believe About Conspiracy Theories |
Subject: Satan's Influence |
What if You Are Betrayed? |
Subject: |
What Is "Son of God"? |
Subject: |
What Is 'My Way'? |
Subject: Is God's Way Your Way? |
What is a False Prophet? |
Subject: The Message, Not The Miracles |
What is Acceptable to the Lord |
Subject: |
What Is Always True About the World? |
Subject: Keeping Ourselves From Idolatry |
What is Atonement? |
Subject: Covering, Wipe Away - Kippur |
What Is Christ's Hidden Treasure? |
Subject: |
What Is Happening Is Ordained of God |
Subject: Vent Your Outrage Righteously |
What is Important? |
Subject: |
What Is Prayer? |
Subject: Definition of Prayer |
What is the Book of Revelation? |
Subject: The Appearance of Jesus Christ |
What Is the Church's Work Today (Part One) |
Subject: What the Church Is |
What Is the Church's Work Today (Part Three) |
Subject: Conclusion |
What Is the Church's Work Today (Part Two) |
Subject: What We Are Involved in and What We Are Doing |
What Is the Work of God Now? (Part Five) |
Subject: First Things First |
What Is the Work of God Now? (Part Four) |
Subject: Solutions to Disunity |
What Is the Work of God Now? (Part One) |
Subject: Is God's Work Just Preaching the Gospel? |
What Is the Work of God Now? (Part Three) |
Subject: Why Disunity? |
What Is the Work of God Now? (Part Two) |
Subject: Why Disunity? |
What Is the Work? |
Subject: Faith |
What Is True Beauty? |
Subject: Loving Righteousness and Holiness |
What is Truth? |
Subject: |
What Is Truth? |
Subject: Accepting Reality |
What Is Your Calling Worth? |
Subject: |
What Is Your Game? |
Subject: Idolatry |
What is Your Motive for Serving God? |
Subject: Why Be Righteous? |
What Lies Beneath |
Subject: Our Foundation Should Be Christ - Not Our Emotions |
What Makes for a Good Feast of Tabernacles? |
Subject: |
What Mean You by This Service? |
Subject: Learning the Pattern of Submission |
What Might It Do for You? |
Subject: Reasoning with God |
What Spirit Are You Drinking? |
Subject: |
What the Holy Spirit Does |
Subject: |
What the Holy Spirit Does (2005) |
Subject: The Actions of the Holy Spirit |
What the Sacrifices Mean |
Subject: They Are Intended For Us |
What to Do in Babylon |
Subject: |
What Type of Leader Are You? |
Subject: Servant Leadership |
What We Can Learn from Booths |
Subject: A Yearly Reminder of Our Pilgrim Status |
What We Can Learn From This Day of Atonement |
Subject: Justification, Reconciliation, Sanctification |
What Will You Do? |
Subject: Doing Nothing |
What Worries You? |
Subject: Staying Focused Through A Sea of Despair |
What Would Jesus Do? |
Subject: |
What Would You Die For? |
Subject: The True Christian Martyr |
What You Feel vs. What You Believe |
Subject: Jacob's Emotions and Israel's Faith |
What's in It for Me? |
Subject: |
What's in Your Fruit Stand? |
Subject: Producing the Fruit of the Spirit |
What's Love Got to Do With It? |
Subject: |
What's So Bad About Babylon? (1997) |
Subject: Present Day Evil |
What's So Bad About Babylon? (2003) (Part 1) |
Subject: Babylon's Foundation Exposed |
What's So Bad About Babylon? (2003) (Part 2) |
Subject: Babylon's Corrupt Foundation |
What's So Bad About Babylon? (2013) (Part One) |
Subject: It Is Upon Us |
What's So Bad About Babylon? (2013) (Part Three) |
Subject: Babylon in Prophecy Today |
What's So Bad About Babylon? (2013) (Part Two) |
Subject: What Is and What's Coming Up |
What's So Bad About Busybodies? |
Subject: Why Meddling Is Sin |
What's So Bad About Valentines Day? |
Subject: Reasons Christians Should Flee Its Observance |
What's the Problem? |
Subject: Understanding Physical, Spiritual, and Psychological Problems |
What's Wrong With 'Here Comes the Groom'? |
Subject: Dating and Marriage |
What's Wrong With Christmas? |
Subject: Worship in Spirit and Truth |
What's Wrong With the Kids? |
Subject: |
What's Your Attitude? |
Subject: The Importance of Our Overall Perspective |
What's Your Attitude? (2009) |
Subject: The Approach of a Hero |
What's Your Function? |
Subject: Routing Out Sinful Dysfunction From Our Fellowship |
WHAT?! Me Submit to Someone Else? |
Subject: |
Whatever Became of Sin? |
Subject: Defining Deviancy Down |
Whatever Happened To Gnosticism? |
Subject: Knowledge Falsely So Called |
Whatever We Ask |
Subject: Confidence in Prayer |
Whatsoever Your Heart Desires |
Subject: |
When Emotions Take Over |
Subject: How Do You Deal With Anger? |
When is the Third Tithe Year? |
Subject: Food For Thought |
When Is the Year of Release (Shemitah)? |
Subject: |
When Our Change Comes |
Subject: A Life of Transformation |
When Pentecost Was Fully Come |
Subject: Sunday or Monday? |
When the Trumpet Blows |
Subject: |
When Tolerance Is Intolerable |
Subject: Separation from Sinners |
When We Come to Ourselves |
Subject: Working Out Our Own Salvation |
When Will God Answer? |
Subject: |
Where Are the Children? |
Subject: How Do We Treat the Little Ones? |
Where Can I Flee From Your Presence? |
Subject: God is Omnipresent |
Where Did The Original Apostles Go? |
Subject: God Has Not Cast Away His People |
Where Do We Fit? |
Subject: |
Where Do We Go From Here? |
Subject: |
Where Does Righteousness Come From? |
Subject: A Look at Job |
Where God Places His Name (Part One) |
Subject: |
Where God Places His Name (Part Two) |
Subject: |
Where Hope Lies |
Subject: |
Where is Beauty? |
Subject: Looking Through God's Eyes |
Where is Simeon? |
Subject: Tracking the Tribe of Simeon |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Eight) |
Subject: More Characteristics of the Woman |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Eleven) |
Subject: Israel and the Woman |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Five) |
Subject: The Identity of the Woman |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Four) |
Subject: Symbols of Women |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Nine) |
Subject: Prostitution in the Bible |
Where Is the Beast? (Part One) |
Subject: The Divergence of the U.S. and E.U. |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Seven) |
Subject: Do We Believe God? |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Six) |
Subject: Attributes of Israel |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Ten) |
Subject: Series Summary |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Three) |
Subject: The Woman of Revelation 12 |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Twelve) |
Subject: The Conclusion: Babylon's End |
Where Is the Beast? (Part Two) |
Subject: Rome and Babylon |
Where is the Bride? |
Subject: |
Where is the Promise of His Coming? |
Subject: |
Where Is Your Heart? |
Subject: |
Where Is Your Ultimate Allegiance? |
Subject: Persecution and Civil Disobedience |
Where the Eagles Are Gathered |
Subject: A Shameful Judgement on the Rebellious |
Where Your Treasures Are? |
Subject: Treasures of the House Determines Our Focus and We Serve |
Who Am I? |
Subject: |
Who Are 'The Many'? |
Subject: Building Up God's Love |
Who Are the Firstfruits? |
Subject: The Purpose From the Beginning |
Who Are We and Where Do We Fit (Part Two) |
Subject: |
Who Are We and Where Do We Fit? (Part One) |
Subject: |
Who Are You? |
Subject: |
Who Claimed Works Justify? |
Subject: Not Justified by Works |
Who Deserves Our Loyalties? |
Subject: |
Who Do You Trust? (Part Four): You Shall Soar Like Eagles |
Subject: |
Who Do You Trust? (Part One) |
Subject: Our Perfect Example |
Who Do You Trust? (Part Three) |
Subject: The Original Broken Bond of Trust |
Who Do You Trust? (Part Two) |
Subject: Wisdom and Truth |
Who Is on the Lord's Side? |
Subject: We Must Choose |
Who Is Responsible For Sin? |
Subject: The Word of God vs. Traditions of Men |
Who Is the 'God of This World'? (Part One) |
Subject: Spiritual Blindness |
Who Is the 'God of This World'? (Part Two) |
Subject: |
Who Is the Israel of God? |
Subject: |
Who Is To Blame? |
Subject: The Rape of Dinah |
Who is Your Superhero? |
Subject: |
Who Needs a Minister? |
Subject: Respect for the Ministry |
Who Needs Authority? |
Subject: Obedience to God's Delegated Authority |
Who the Two Witnesses Are NOT |
Subject: Refuting a Common Interpretation |
Who Then Is In The Kingdom Of Heaven? |
Subject: |
Who Was Barabbas? |
Subject: |
Who Was Herbert W. Armstrong? |
Subject: To Reject God's Messenger Is to Reject God |
Who Was the Samaritan Woman at the Well? |
Subject: |
Who Were Jannes and Jambres? |
Subject: Those Who Oppose God |
Who Will Be Kept From the Hour of Trial? |
Subject: Christ's Command to Persevere |
Who's Sending the Looters? |
Subject: |
Whoever Loves and Practices a Lie |
Subject: |
Whom the Lord Loves He Chastens (Part One) |
Subject: Why God Disciplines His Children |
Whom the Lord Loves He Chastens (Part Two) |
Subject: How God Disciplines His Children |
Whose Morality Are We Following? |
Subject: God's Morality and Ethics |
Whose Side Are We On? |
Subject: Advocates or Accusers? |
Why 153? |
Subject: |
Why Are We Afflicted? |
Subject: Affliction In A Proper Perspective |
Why Are We Called To Overcome? |
Subject: Our Awesome Calling and Future as God's Offspring |
Why Are We Here and What Is Our Focus? |
Subject: |
Why Are We Here? |
Subject: We Are Here to Follow Christ |
Why Are We Here? (2004) |
Subject: Captivity and Regathering |
Why Are We Living in a Democracy? |
Subject: |
Why Are You Here? |
Subject: God's Sovereignty in Choosing and Placing Us |
Why Be Industrious? |
Subject: |
Why Be Industrious? |
Subject: |
Why Count Fifty Days? |
Subject: Redeeming the Time |
Why Did God Command Israel to Go to War? |
Subject: Exercising Lawful Civil Authority |
Why Did Jesus Say 'Peace to You'? |
Subject: |
Why Did the Jews Hate Jesus? |
Subject: |
Why Did You Leave? |
Subject: Knitting Ourselves to God Through the Body |
Why Do We Fear? |
Subject: Fear of the Unknown and God's Peace |
Why Do We Give? |
Subject: The Window's Mite |
Why Do You Believe What You Believe? |
Subject: |
Why Do You Believe? |
Subject: Maintaining Our Conviction |
Why Do You Feel Entitled? |
Subject: Falling into the Entitlement Trap |
Why Does God Allow Us to Be Afflicted? |
Subject: |
Why Does God Keep Secrets? |
Subject: Reflective Thinking/God's Teaching Techniques |
Why Freewill Offerings? |
Subject: |
Why Is Atonement a Fall Festival? |
Subject: Different Emphases on Christ's Sacrifice |
Why Is God Doing This, This Way? |
Subject: |
Why is Hope Delayed? |
Subject: It is in God's Control |
Why is Life So Hard? |
Subject: Many Tribulations |
Why Many Do Not Understand |
Subject: God Must Open the Mind |
Why Must Satan Be Released? |
Subject: |
Why Study Prophecy? |
Subject: The Importance of Prophecy |
Why the Last Great Day? |
Subject: A Day of Magnitude |
Why the Transfiguration? |
Subject: |
Why Three Kings Are Missing From Matthew 1 |
Subject: Endurance |
Why Trumpets? |
Subject: |
Why Wasn't Jesus Christ Crucified at the Start of Passover? |
Subject: |
Why We Do Not Vote |
Subject: Our Fight Is Not Political |
Why We Observe Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread |
Subject: Putting the Focus Back on God |
Why We Tithe (Part 1) |
Subject: The Spirit of the Law |
Why We Tithe (Part 2) |
Subject: Growing in Giving |
Why We Tithe (Part 3) |
Subject: The Tithes |
Why Work (2012)? |
Subject: To Enable One To Give |
Why Work? |
Subject: |
Why Work? |
Subject: |
Why? |
Subject: God Does Not Owe Us an Explanation |
Widows' Mites |
Subject: |
Wild Horses |
Subject: Fruit of the Spirit |
Wilderness Wandering (Part Five) |
Subject: The Purpose of Suffering |
Wilderness Wandering (Part Four) |
Subject: Our Journey Through Suffering With Christ |
Wilderness Wandering (Part One) |
Subject: A Foundation For Our Pilgrimage |
Wilderness Wandering (Part Three) |
Subject: The Journey Moves One |
Wilderness Wandering (Part Two) |
Subject: |
Wilderness Wanderings (Part One) |
Subject: |
Wilderness Wanderings (Part Three) - Handpicked Children |
Subject: |
Wilderness Wanderings (Part Two) |
Subject: |
Will Activist Judges Be Allowed In God's Kingdom? |
Subject: |
Will God Shorten the Day of the Tribulation? |
Subject: |
Will Jesus Be Ashamed of You? |
Subject: Are You Ashamed of God's Way of Life? |
Will the Millennium Be a Better America? |
Subject: Cultural Bias and the Kingdom of God |
Will You Be Accounted Worthy for the Kingdom? |
Subject: Accountability |
Will You Show Up? |
Subject: Confidence in God |
Willingness to Believe |
Subject: Cultivating a Ready Heart |
Wind and God's Spirit |
Subject: The Spirit |
Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win |
Subject: Enduring Unto the End! |
Wisdom: Only Through The Grace of God |
Subject: |
With Hands Raised |
Subject: Surrendering To God In Prayer |
Withering an Unfruitful Tree |
Subject: Faith in the End Time |
Without a Parable |
Subject: An Ingredient Missing in Many Judgments |
Without Me, Nothing! (Part One) |
Subject: John 21:1-14 |
Without Me, Nothing! (Part Two) |
Subject: |
Without Natural Affection |
Subject: |
Wonderful Women |
Subject: |
Wonders of God |
Subject: |
Words of Life, Words of Death |
Subject: Cognitive Distortions |
Words Should Never Hurt Us |
Subject: Our Response to Idle Words |
Words Versus Images |
Subject: We Learn God's Way Through Words |
Words Without Knowledge |
Subject: The Words of God are Knowledge! |
Work Out Your Own Salvation |
Subject: |
Works are Required |
Subject: God Works and We Must Work |
Works of God |
Subject: God's Work Is Salvation |
Works of the Flesh |
Subject: Under Human Nature's Influence |
World Religions |
Subject: |
Worry and Seeking the Kingdom |
Subject: Faith Is the Answer |
Worship |
Subject: |
Worship Always |
Subject: Worship in Spirit and Truth |
Worship and Culture (Part One) |
Subject: What Is Acceptable Worship? |
Worship and Culture (Part Two) |
Subject: New Testament Instructions |
Worship in Spirit and Truth |
Subject: |
Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth |
Subject: Our Response to Our Superior |
Worthy to Take the Scroll |
Subject: Why John Wept Much |
Would Our God Do That? |
Subject: |
Wrestling With Our Brother |
Subject: Competing Against Each Other |
Writing Your Own Stories |
Subject: |
Wrong Ideas |
Subject: |
Wrong Will Eventually Be Set Right |
Subject: |