-1. King of Israel .Genealogy of Ruth 4:18-22; I Samuel 16:11; 17:12; I Chronicles 2:3-15; Matthew 1:1-6; Luke 3:31-38 .A shepherd I Samuel 16:11 .Kills a lion and a bear I Samuel 17:34-36 .Anointed king, while a youth, by the prophet Samuel, and inspired I Samuel 16:1, 13; Psalms 89:19-37 .Chosen of God Psalms 78:70 .Described to Saul I Samuel 16:18 .Detailed as armor-bearer and musician at Saul's court I Samuel 16:21-23 .Kills Goliath I Samuel 17 .The love of Jonathan for I Samuel 18:1-4 .Popularity and discreetness of I Samuel 18 .Saul's jealousy of I Samuel 18:8-30 .Is defrauded of Merab, and given Michal to marry I Samuel 18:17-27 .Jonathan intercedes for I Samuel 19:1-7 .Probably writes Psalms Eleven at this period of his life Psalms 17; 35; 52; 58; 64; 109; 142 .Conducts a campaign against, and defeats the Philistines I Samuel 19:8 .Saul attempts to kill him; he escapes to Ramah, and lives at Naioth, where Saul pursues him I Samuel 19:9-24 .About this time writes Psalms 59 .Returns, and Jonathan makes covenant with him I Samuel 20 .Escapes by way of Nob, where he obtains shewbread and Goliath's sword from Abimelech I Samuel 21:1-6; Matthew 12:3, 4 .Escapes to Gath I Samuel 21:10-15 .At this time probably writes Psalms 34; 35; 52; 56; 120 .Recruits an army of insurgents, goes to Moab, returns to Hareth I Samuel 22 .Probably writes Psalms 13 .Saves Keilah I Samuel 23:1-13 .Makes second covenant with Jonathan I Samuel 23:16-18 .Goes to the wilderness of Ziph, is betrayed to Saul I Samuel 23:13-26 .Writes a psalm on the betrayal Psalms 54 .And probably Psalms 22; 31; 34; 140 .Saul is diverted from pursuit of I Samuel 23:27, 28 .At this time probably writes Psalms 12; 22 .Goes to En-gedi I Samuel 23:29 .Refrains from killing Saul I Samuel 24 .Writes Psalms 57 .Covenants with Saul I Samuel 26 .Marries Nabal's widow, Abigail, and Ahinoam I Samuel 25 .Lives in the wilderness of Ziph, has opportunity to kill Saul, but only takes his spear; Saul is contrite I Samuel 26 .Flees to Achish and lives in Ziklag I Samuel 27 .The list of men who join him I Chronicles 12:1-22 .Conducts an expedition against Amalekites, misstates the facts to Achish I Samuel 27:8-12 .At this time probably writes Psalms 141 .Is refused permission to accompany the Philistines to battle against the Israelites I Samuel 28:1, 2; 29 .Rescues the people of Ziklag, who had been captured by the Amalekites I Samuel 30 .Probably writes Psalms 18; 20; 21 .Death and burial of Saul and his sons I Samuel 31; II Samuel 21:1-14 .Kills the murderer of Saul II Samuel 1:1-16 .Lamentation over Saul II Samuel 1:17-27 .After living for one year and four months at Ziklag I Samuel 27:7 .David goes to Hebron, and is anointed king by Judah II Samuel 2:1-4, 11; 5:5; I Kings 2:11; I Chronicles 3:4; 11:1-3 .The list of those who join him at Hebron I Chronicles 12:23-40 .Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, crowned II Samuel 2:4 .David wages war against and defeats Ish-bosheth II Samuel 2:13-32; 3:4 .Demands the restoration of Michal, his wife II Samuel 3:14-16 .Abner revolts from Ish-bosheth, and joins David, but is killed by Joab II Samuel 3 .Punishes Ish-bosheth's murderers II Samuel 4 .Anointed king over all Israel, after reigning over Judah at Hebron for seven years and six months, and reigns thirty-three years II Samuel 2:11; 5:5; I Chronicles 3:4; 11:1-3; 12:23-40; 29:27 .Makes conquest of Jerusalem II Samuel 5:6; I Chronicles 11:4-8; Isaiah 29:1 .Builds a palace II Samuel 5:11; II Chronicles 2:3 .Friendship of, with Hiram, king of Tyre II Samuel 5:11; I Kings 5:1 .Prospered of God II Samuel 5:10; I Chronicles 11:9 .Fame of I Chronicles 14:17 .Philistines make war against, and are defeated by him II Samuel 5:17, 25 .Assembles thirty-thousand men to escort the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem with music and thanksgiving II Samuel 6:1-5 .Uzzah is struck down when he attempts to steady the ark of the covenant II Samuel 6:6-11 .David is terrified, and leaves the ark at the house of Obed-edom II Samuel 6:9-11 .After three months, David brings the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem with dancing and great joy II Samuel 6:12-16; I Chronicles 13 .Organized the tabernacle service I Chronicles 9:22; 15:16-24; 16:4-6, 37-43 .Offers sacrifice, distributes gifts, and blesses the people II Samuel 6:17-19 .Michal rebukes him for his religious enthusiasm II Samuel 6:20-23 .Desires to build a temple, is forbidden, but receives God's promise that his seed should reign forever II Samuel 7:12-16; 23:5; I Chronicles 17:11-14; II Chronicles 6:16; Psalms 89:3, 4; 132:11, 12; Acts 15:16; Romans 15:12 .Interpretation and fulfillment of this prophecy Acts 13:22, 23 .At this time, probably, David writes Psalms 15; 16; 24; 101; 138 .Conquers the Philistines, Moabites, and Syria II Samuel 8 .Treats Mephibosheth, the lame son of Saul, with great kindness II Samuel 9:6; 19:24-30 .Sends commissioners with a message of sympathy to Hanun, son of the king of Ammon; the message is misinterpreted, and commissioners treated with indignity; David retaliates by invading, and defeats the combined armies of the Ammonites and Syrians II Samuel 10; I Chronicles 19 .Probably writes Psalms 18; 20; 21 .Commits adultery with Bath-sheba II Samuel 11:2-5 .Wickedly causes the death of Uriah II Samuel 11:6-25 .Takes Bath-sheba to be his wife II Samuel 11:26, 27 .Is rebuked by the prophet Nathan II Samuel 12:1-14 .Repents of his crime and confesses his guilt Psalms 6; 32; 38; 39; 40; 51 .Is chastised with grievous affliction on account of his crime Psalms 38; 41; 69 .Death of his infant son (born from Bath-sheba) II Samuel 12:15-23 .Solomon is born to II Samuel 12:24, 25 .Ammonites defeated and tortured II Samuel 12:26-31 .Amnon's crime, his murder by Absalom, and Absalom's flight II Samuel 13 .Absalom's return II Samuel 14:1-24 .Absalom's usurpation II Samuel 14; 15 .David's flight from Jerusalem II Samuel 15:13-37 .He probably writes, at this time Psalms 5; 7; 26; 61; 63; 69; 70; 86; 143 .Shimei curses him II Samuel 16 .Crosses the Jordan River II Samuel 17:21-29 .Absalom's defeat and death II Samuel 18 .Laments the death of Absalom II Samuel 18:33; 19:1-4 .Rebuked by Joab II Samuel 19:5-7 .David rebukes the priests for not showing loyalty amid the complaints of the people against him II Samuel 19:9-15 .Shimei begs for clemency II Samuel 19:16-23 .Mephibosheth begs for the king's favor II Samuel 19:24-30 .Barzillai rewarded II Samuel 19:31-40 .Judah accused by the ten tribes of stealing him away II Samuel 19:41-43 .Returns to Jerusalem II Samuel 20:1-3 .At this time, probably, David composes Psalms 27; 66; 122; 144 .Sheba's conspiracy against David, and his death II Samuel 20 .Makes Amasa general II Samuel 19:13 .Amasa is killed II Samuel 20:4-10 .Consigns seven sons of Saul to the Gibeonites to be killed to atone for Saul's persecution of the Gibeonites II Samuel 21:1-14 .Buries Saul's bones, and the bones of his sons II Samuel 21:12-14 .Defeats the Philistines II Samuel 21:15-22; I Chronicles 20:4-8 .Takes the military strength of Israel without divine authority, and is reproved II Samuel 24; I Chronicles 21; 27:24 .Probably composes Psalms 30; 131 .Marries Abishag I Kings 1:1-4 .Probably composes Psalms 19; 111 .Adonijah usurps the sceptre; Solomon appointed to the throne I Kings 1; I Chronicles 23:1 .Delivers his charge to Solomon I Kings 2:1-11; I Chronicles 22:6-19; 28; 29 .Probably composes Psalms 23; 145 .Last words of II Samuel 23:1-7 .Death of I Kings 2:10; I Chronicles 29:28; Acts 2:29, 30 .Sepulchre of Acts 2:29 .Age of, at death II Samuel 5:4, 5; I Chronicles 29:28 .Length of reign, forty years I Kings 2:11; I Chronicles 29:27, 28 .Wives of II Samuel 3:2-5 .Children born .At Hebron II Samuel 3:2-5; I Chronicles 3:4 .At Jerusalem II Samuel 5:14-16; I Chronicles 3:5-8; 14:4-7 .Descendants of I Chronicles 3 .Civil and military officers of II Samuel 8:16-18 .See CABINET .Lists of his heroes, and of their exploits II Samuel 23; I Chronicles 11; 12:23-40 .Devoutness of II Samuel 6:5, I Samuel 13:14; 14, 18; 7:18-29; 8:11; 24:25; I Kings 3:14; I Chronicles 17:16-27; 29:10; II Chronicles 7:17; Zechariah 12:8; Psalms 6; 7; 11; 13; 17; 22; 26; 27:7-14; 28; 31; 35; 37 .Justice in the administration of II Samuel 8:15; I Chronicles 18:14 .Discreetness of I Samuel 18:14, 30 .Meekness of I Samuel 24:7; 26:11; II Samuel 16:11; 19:22, 23 .Merciful II Samuel 19:23 .David as musician I Samuel 16:21-23; I Chronicles 15:16; 23:5; II Chronicles 7:6; 29:26; Nehemiah 12:36; Amos 6:5 .David as poet II Samuel 22 .See PSALMS OF DAVID .David as prophet II Samuel 23:2-7; I Chronicles 28:19; Matthew 22:41-46; Acts 2:25-38; 4:25 .Type of Christ Psalms 2; 16; 18:43; 69:7-9 .Jesus called son of Matthew 9:27; 12:23; 15:22; 20:30, 31; 21:9; 22:42; Mark 10:47, 48; Luke 18:37, 39 .Prophecies concerning him and his kingdom Numbers 24:17, 19; II Samuel 7:11-16; I Chronicles 17:9-14; 22; II Chronicles 6:5-17; 13:5; 21:7; Psalms 89:19-37; Isaiah 9:7; 16:5; 22:20-25; Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15-26; Luke 1:32, 33 .Chronicles of, written by Samuel, Nathan, and Gad I Chronicles 29:29, 30 -2. A prophetic name for Christ Jeremiah 30:9; Ezekiel 34:23, 24; 37:24, 25; Hosea 3:5