Topical Studies
Bible verses about
Benjamin, Tribe of
(From Torrey's Topical Textbook)
- Descended from Jacob's twelfth son
Genesis 35:18 - Predictions respecting
Genesis 49:27; Deuteronomy 33:12 - PERSONS SELECTED FROM
- Strength of, on leaving Egypt
Numbers 1:36,37 - Formed the rear of the third division of Israel in their journeys
Numbers 10:22,24 - Encamped on west side of the tabernacle under the standard of Ephraim
Numbers 2:18,22 - Offering of, at dedication
Numbers 7:60-65 - Families of
Numbers 26:38-40 - Strength of, entering Canaan
Numbers 26:41 - On Gerizim said amen to the blessings
Deuteronomy 27:12 - Cities and bounds of inheritance
Joshua 18:11-28 - Celebrated as bowmen and slingers
I Chronicles 12:2 - Assisted against Sisera
Judges 5:14 - Oppressed by the Ammonites
Judges 10:9 - Almost annihilated for protecting the men of Gibeah
Judges 20:12-48 - Remnant of, provided with wives to preserve the tribe
Judges 21:1-23 - Furnished the first king to Israel
I Samuel 9:1,2,15-17; 10:20,21; II Samuel 2:8-10 - Adhered for a time to the house of Saul against David
II Samuel 2:9,15,25,31 - Some of, assisted David
I Chronicles 12:1-7,16 - Revolted from the house of Saul
II Samuel 3:19 - Some of, at David's coronation
I Chronicles 12:29 - A thousand of, with Shimei came to meet David on his return to Jerusalem
II Samuel 19:16,17 - Very numerous in David's time
I Chronicles 7:6-12 - Captains appointed over
I Kings 4:18; I Chronicles 27:12 - Remained faithful to Judah
I Kings 12:21 - Furnished an army to Jehoshaphat
II Chronicles 17:17 - Numbers of, returned from the captivity and dwelt at Jerusalem
Ezra 1:5; Nehemiah 11:4 - Celebrated persons of

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