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What the Bible says about Sheep, Characteristics of
(From Forerunner Commentary)

Mark 1:35

Most of us are aware that a sheep is an excellent dry-weather animal, but we may be unaware that a sheep can go for months (apply this to your own Bible study and imbibing of God's way) without ever taking a drink of water from a pool if one condition is met: that it is up early enough to eat the grass in the morning when the dew is still on it. This is not to say that the sheep will be thriving, but that it will at least continue to live, as long as it is waking early enough to partake of the dew on the grass. In such a case, a sheep can survive for months without any lasting damage. It will not gain a lot of weight, but it will at least survive in fairly good health.

Mark 1:35 is an indication that early morning is a good time to imbibe of God's Word—at the beginning of the day, while there is still "dew on the grass"—because we have our Master's example. This is not just a figure of speech but a practical reality. It points the way to spiritual success by suggesting we begin each day by partaking of God's Word, meditating on it, and praying to Him before the mind becomes spent and tired on the cares and troubles of the day.

John W. Ritenbaugh
Psalm 23 (Part Two)

Related Topics: Bible Study | Dew | Sheep



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