<< Isaiah 53:9   Isaiah 53:11 >>

Interlinear Bible for Isaiah 53:10:

Yet it pleased
chaphets (#2654)
the LORD
Yhovah (#3068)
to bruise
daka' (#1792)
him; he hath put him to grief:
chalah (#2470)
'im (#518)
thou shalt make
suwm (#7760)
his soul
nephesh (#5315)
an offering for sin,
'asham (#817)
he shall see
ra'ah (#7200)
his seed,
zera` (#2233)
he shall prolong
'arak (#748)
his days,
yowm (#3117)
and the pleasure
chephets (#2656)
of the LORD
Yhovah (#3068)
shall prosper
tsalach (#6743)
in his hand.
yad (#3027)

<< Isaiah 53:9   Isaiah 53:11 >>

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