Adam Clarke
<< Luke 7:34   Luke 7:36 >>

Luke 7:35

Wisdom is justified, etc. - Probably the children of wisdom is a mere Hebraism here for the products or fruits of wisdom; hence the Vatican MS., one other, and some versions, have , works, instead of , sons, in the parallel place, Matthew 11:19. True wisdom shows itself by its works; folly is never found in the wise man' s way, any more than wisdom is in the path of a fool. Theophylact' s note on this place should not be overlooked. , ' , Wisdom Is Justified, that is, Is Honored, by all her children.

Other Adam Clarke entries containing Luke 7:35:

Matthew 11:19
Luke 10:6


<< Luke 7:34   Luke 7:36 >>

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