Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown
<< Luke 18:18   Luke 18:20 >>

Luke 18:19


Why, etc.—Did our Lord mean then to teach that God only ought to be called "good?" Impossible, for that had been to contradict all Scripture teaching, and His own, too (Psalms 112:5; Matthew 25:21; Titus 1:8). Unless therefore we are to ascribe captiousness to our Lord, He could have had but one object—to raise the youth's ideas of Himself, as not to be classed merely with other "good masters," and declining to receive this title apart from the "One" who is essentially and only "good." This indeed is but distantly hinted; but unless this is seen in the background of our Lord's words, nothing worthy of Him can be made out of them. (Hence, Socinianism, instead of having any support here, is only baffled by it).

Other Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown entries containing Luke 18:19:

Luke 18:19
2 Corinthians 5:16


<< Luke 18:18   Luke 18:20 >>

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