People's Commentary (NT)
<< John 12:50   John 13:2 >>

John 13:1

John 13:1 The Lord Washes the Disciples' Feet SUMMARY OF JOHN 13: The Passover Meal. The Lord Washes the Disciples' Feet. The Traitor Pointed Out. The Departure of Judas. The Discourse to the Disciples. Peter Warned. Now before the feast of the passover. Immediately before, just as Christ was about to sit down with his disciples to the paschal feast. Jesus knew that his hour was come. The scenes of this hour were in immediate view of the cross. On the next day the Lord was crucified.

Other People's Commentary (NT) entries containing John 13:1:

John 11:54
John 13:1


<< John 12:50   John 13:2 >>

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