Robertson's Word Pictures (NT)
<< Romans 7:1   Romans 7:3 >>

Romans 7:2

The wife that hath a husband (h upandrov gunh). Late word, under (in subjection to) a husband. Here only in N.T.

Is bound (dedetai). Perfect passive indicative, stands bound.

By law (nomw). Instrumental case.

To the husband while he liveth (tw zwnti andri). "To the living husband," literally.

But if the husband die (ean de apoqanh o anhr). Third class condition, a supposable case (ean and the second aorist active subjunctive).

She is discharged (kathrghtai). Perfect passive indicative of katargew, to make void. She stands free from the law of the husband. Cf. Romans 6:6.

Other Robertson's Word Pictures (NT) entries containing Romans 7:2:

Romans 6:19
1 Corinthians 7:27
1 Corinthians 7:39
Galatians 5:4
2 Timothy 2:9


<< Romans 7:1   Romans 7:3 >>

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