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2 Timothy 3:7  (King James Version)

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<< 2 Timothy 3:6   2 Timothy 3:8 >>

2 Timothy 3:1-7

So, as Paul is preparing to die, he warns his protégé to take heed of certain seducers, not only that he might not be drawn away by them himself, but arm those who were under his charge against their seduction.

Matthew Henry comments on verse 6: “They crept into houses to insinuate themselves into the affections and good opinion of the people to draw them over to their way of thinking.” The apostle finishes in verse 7 by describing these seducers as seeming to learn new things all the time but actually never coming to a right understanding of the truth. He warns Timothy—and us—to turn away from such people!

It is our job as God's elect to pay attention at all times to what we are learning, and we should pray for God to help us build discernment to divide the Word of Truth properly (II Timothy 2:15). We need to be able to separate God's truth from what is false.

Ronny H. Graham
The Gift of Discernment and Godly Love

2 Timothy 3:6-7

The word "self-control" does not appear in these verses, but its lack is a major part of these women's problem. Their exact problem is unknown, but what we see here makes a good illustration.

Many modern versions change "the knowledge" in verse 7 to "acknowledge." Spiros Zodhiates says regarding this Greek word, "In the New Testament, it often refers to knowledge which very powerfully influences the form of religious life, a knowledge laying claim to personal involvement." Put another way, this word indicates not mere agreement with or admission of truth newly found but of truth already affecting the seeker's life. The knowledge these women received was not affecting their lives for the better.

Our challenge in life is not to become a tremendous reservoir of information that indeed may be true, but to control and rightly use what we already have while continuing to seek yet more. We acknowledge truth only when we use it in our lives, something these ladies were not doing. Considering the flood of information we have at our fingertips in this computer age, it is vital for us to understand that God judges us according to how well we use what we have.

John W. Ritenbaugh
Eating: How Good It Is! (Part Six)

Other Forerunner Commentary entries containing 2 Timothy 3:7:

Isaiah 65:11-13
1 Timothy 1:5-7
James 4:17


<< 2 Timothy 3:6   2 Timothy 3:8 >>

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