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Bible verses about Jerusalem
(From Nave's Topical Bible)

-Called .JEBUS Joshua 18:28; Judges 19:10 .ZION I Kings 8:1; Zechariah 9:13 .CITY OF DAVID II Samuel 5:7; Isaiah 22:9 .SALEM Genesis 14:18; Psalms 76:2 .ARIEL Isaiah 29:1 .CITY OF GOD Psalms 46:4 .CITY OF THE GREAT KING Psalms 48:2 .CITY OF JUDAH II Chronicles 25:28 .THE PERFECTION OF BEAUTY, THE JOY OF THE WHOLE EARTH Lamentations 2:15 .THE THRONE OF THE LORD Jeremiah 3:17 .HOLY MOUNTAIN Daniel 9:16, 20 .HOLY CITY Nehemiah 11:1, 18; Matthew 4:5 .CITY OF SOLEMNITIES Isaiah 33:20 .CITY OF TRUTH Zechariah 8:3 .To be called ."THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS," Jeremiah 33:16 .JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH (margin) Ezekiel 48:35

-NEW JERUSALEM Revelation 21:2, 10-27

-Location and appearance of Psalms 122:3; 125:2; Song of Solomon 6:4; Micah 4:8

-Walls of Jeremiah 39:4

-Gates of .Old gate, fish gate, sheep gate, prison gate Nehemiah 3:1, 3, 32; 12:39

-Gate of Ephraim II Chronicles 25:23; Nehemiah 12:39

-Gate of Benjamin Jeremiah 37:13; Zechariah 14:10

-Gate of Joshua II Kings 23:8

-Old gate Nehemiah 3:6; 12:39

-Corner gate Zechariah 14:10

-Valley gate Nehemiah 2:13; 3:13

-Dung gate Nehemiah 2:13; 3:13; 12:31

-Gate of the fountain Nehemiah 2:14; 3:15; 12:37

-Water gate Nehemiah 3:26; 8:1; 12:37

-Horse gate Nehemiah 3:28

-King's gate I Chronicles 9:18

-Shallecheth I Chronicles 26:16

-High gate II Chronicles 23:20

-East gate Nehemiah 3:29

-Miphkad Nehemiah 3:31

-Middle gate Jeremiah 39:3

-First gate Zechariah 14:10

-Buildings .High priest's palace John 18:15

-Castle Acts 21:34

-Stairs Nehemiah 3:15

-Streets .East Street II Chronicles 29:4

-Street of the House of God Ezra 10:9

-Street of the Water Gate of Ephraim gate Nehemiah 8:16

-Baker's Street Jeremiah 37:21

-Towers of .See HANANEEL





-Places in and around .Moriah II Chronicles 3:1

-Jesus' gravesite John 19:41






-Measurement of, in Ezekiel's vision Ezekiel 45:6

-Names of the gates of, in Ezekiel's vision Ezekiel 48:31-34

-The capital of David's kingdom by divine appointment I Kings 15:4; II Kings 19:34; II Chronicles 6:6; 12:13

-To be called God's throne Jeremiah 3:17

-The chief Levites lived in I Chronicles 9:34

-The high priest lived at John 18:15

-Annual feasts kept at Ezekiel 36:38; with Deuteronomy 16:16

-And Psalms 122:3-5; Luke 2:41; John 4:20; 5:1; 7:1-14; 12:20; Acts 18:21

-Prayers of the Israelites made toward I Kings 8:38; Daniel 6:10

-Beloved Psalms 122:6; 137:1-7; Isaiah 62:1-7



-Oaths taken in the name of Matthew 5:35

-Melchizedek was the ancient king and priest of Genesis 14:18

-King of, joined with the four other kings of the Amorites against Joshua and the armies of Israel Joshua 10:1-5

-Confederated kings defeated, and the king of Jerusalem killed by Joshua Joshua 10:15-26

-Falls to Benjamin in the allotment of the land of Canaan Joshua 18:28

-Conquest of, made by David II Samuel 5:7

-The inhabitants of, not expelled Joshua 15:63; Judges 1:21

-Conquest of Mount Zion in, made by David I Chronicles 11:4-6

-The citadel of Mount Zion, occupied by David, and called the CITY OF DAVID II Samuel 5:5-9; I Chronicles 11:7

-The ark of the covenant brought to, by David II Samuel 6:12-19

-The threshing floor of Araunah within the citadel of II Samuel 24:16

-David purchases and erects an altar upon Araunah's threshing floor II Samuel 24:16-25

-The city built around the citadel I Chronicles 11:8

-Fortified by Solomon I Kings 3:1; 9:15

-The temple built within the citadel .See TEMPLE

-Captured and pillaged by .Shishak, king of Egypt I Kings 14:25, 26; II Chronicles 12:9 .Jehoash, king of Israel II Kings 14:13, 14; II Chronicles 25:23, 24 .Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon II Kings 24:8-16; 25:1-17; II Chronicles 36:17-21; Jeremiah 1:3; 32:2; 39; 52:4-7, 12-24; Lamentations 1:5-8; II Chronicles 26:9, 10 .Walls of, restored and fortified by .Uzziah II Chronicles 26:9, 10 .Jotham II Chronicles 27:3 .Manasseh II Chronicles 33:14

-Water supply brought in from the Gihon brook by Hezekiah II Kings 18:17; II Chronicles 32:3, 20:20; 4, 30; Nehemiah 2:13-15; Isaiah 7:3; 22:9-11; 36:2

-Besieged by .Pekah II Kings 16:5 .The Philistines II Chronicles 21:16, 17 .Sennacherib II Kings 18:13-37; 19:20-37; II Chronicles 32

-Rebuilding of, ordered by proclamation of Cyrus II Chronicles 36:23; Ezra 1:1-4

-Rebuilt by Nehemiah under the direction of Artaxerxes Nehemiah 2; 3; 4; 5; 6

-Wall of, dedicated Nehemiah 12:27-43

-Temple restored .See TEMPLE

-Roman rulers who resided in .Herod (Herod the Great) Matthew 2:3 .Pontius Pilate Matthew 27:2; Mark 15:1; Luke 23:1-7; John 18:28, 29 .Herod (Herod Agrippa I) Acts 12:1-23

-Life and miracles of Jesus connected with .See JESUS, HISTORY OF

-Gospel first preached at Micah 4:2; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:4; 2:14

-A revival occurs on Pentecost day at Acts 2

-Stephen martyred at Acts 6:8-15; 7

-Disciples persecuted and dispersed from Acts 8:1-4; 11:19-21

-(For personal incidents occurring therein, see the biographies of individuals) -See also ISRAELITES

-Wickedness of Luke 13:33, 34

-Catalogue of abominations in Ezekiel 22:3-12, 25-30; 23; 33:25, 26

-Led Judah to sin Micah 1:5

-Prophecies against Isaiah 3:1-8; Jeremiah 9:11; 19:6, 15; 21:10; 26:9, 11; Daniel 9:2, 27; Micah 1:1; 3:12

-Of pestilence, famine, and war in Jeremiah 34:2; Ezekiel 5:12; Joel 3:2, 3; Amos 2:5

-Of the destruction of Jeremiah 7:32-34; 32:29, 26:18; 31, 32; Daniel 9:24-27

-Destruction of, foretold by Jesus Matthew 23:37, 38; 24:15; Mark 13:14-23; Luke 13:35; 17:26-37; 19:41-44; 21:20-24

-Prophecies of the rebuilding of Isaiah 44:28; Jeremiah 31:38-40; Ezekiel 48:15-22; Daniel 9:25; Zechariah 14:8-11

-Of final restoration of Joel 3:20, 21; Zechariah 2:2-5; 8

-HISTORICAL NOTICES OF .Melchizedek was ancient king of Genesis 14:18

Find more Bible verses about Jerusalem:
Jerusalem {Torrey's}
Jerusalem {Forerunner}

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