Topical Studies
Bible verses about
(From Torrey's Topical Textbook)
- First notice of persons acting as
Genesis 4:3,4 - During patriarchal age heads of families acted as
Genesis 8:20; 12:8; 35:7 - After the exodus young men (first-born) deputed to act as
Exodus 24:5; 19:22 - The sons of Aaron appointed as, by perpetual statute
Exodus 29:9; 40:15 - All except seed of Aaron excluded from being
Numbers 3:10; 16:40; 18:7 - Sanctified by God for the office
Exodus 29:44 - Publicly consecrated
Exodus 28:3; Numbers 3:3 - CEREMONIES AT CONSECRATION OF
- Required to remain in the tabernacle seven days after consecration
Leviticus 8:33-36 - No blemished or defective persons could be consecrated
Leviticus 21:17-23 - Required to prove their genealogy before they exercised the office
Ezra 2:62; Nehemiah 7:64 - GARMENTS OF
- Required to wash in the brazen laver before they performed their services
Exodus 30:18-21 - SERVICES OF
- Covering the sacred things of the sanctuary before removal
Numbers 4:5-15
- Were to live by the altar as they had no inheritance
Deuteronomy 18:1,2; I Corinthians 9:13 - REVENUES OF
- Redemption-money of the first-born
Numbers 3:48,51; 18:15,16
- All restitutions when the owner could not be found
Numbers 5:8
- Thirteen of the Levitical cities given to, for residence
I Chronicles 6:57-60; Numbers 35:1-8 - Might purchase and hold other lands in possession
I Kings 2:26; Jeremiah 32:8,9 - SPECIAL LAWS RESPECTING
- Not to defile themselves for the dead except the nearest of kin
Leviticus 21:1-6
- Not to defile themselves by eating what died or was torn
Leviticus 22:8
- Children of, married to strangers, not to eat of their portion
Leviticus 22:12
- Restitution to be made to, by persons ignorantly eating of their holy things
Leviticus 22:14-16
- Divided by David into twenty-four courses
I Chronicles 24:1-19; II Chronicles 8:14; 35:4,5 - The four courses which returned from Babylon subdivided into 24
Ezra 2:36-39; Luke 1:5 - Each course of, had its president or chief
I Chronicles 24:6,31; II Chronicles 36:14 - Services of, divided by lot
Luke 1:9 - Punishment for invading the office of
Numbers 16:1-35; 18:7; II Chronicles 26:16-21 - On special occasions persons not of Aaron's family acted as
Judges 6:24-27; I Samuel 7:9; I Kings 18:33 - WERE SOMETIMES
- Generally participated in punishment of the people
Jeremiah 14:18; Lamentations 2:20 - Made of the lowest of the people by Jeroboam and others
I Kings 12:21; II Kings 17:32 - Services of, ineffectual for removing sin
Hebrews 7:11; 10:11 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF

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