The same sequence of days appears in Genesis 14-15, Exodus 12, and in Christ's crucifixion. Joshua's command to prepare food (Joshua 1:11) therefore took place on Abib 7, because in Joshua 4:19, they have just crossed the Jordan. It is the tenth day of Abib. What was to happen on the Abib 10 in Israel? That was the day that they were to chose the Passover lamb. In the sequence of events leading to Christ's crucifixion , the tenth day was when He made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. In a sense, He was crossing His own Jordan at that point, and the people chose Him as the Lamb that would be slaughtered.
Joshua 4:19 specifies the dates when it says Israel came into the land on the 10th day of the first month, but it gives no clue as to which day of the week this was. It is the same date of Jesus' triumphal march into Jerusalem on the back of an ass before His crucifixion and the date to select the sacrificial lambs for Passover. The dates are beginning to align with Genesis 14-15 and Exodus 12.
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