
Topical Studies

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Bible verses about Seven
(From Nave's Topical Bible)

-Interesting facts concerning this number -DAYS .Week consists of Genesis 2:3; Exodus 20:11; Deuteronomy 5:13, 14 .Noah in the ark before the great flood for Genesis 7:4, 10 .Noah remains in the ark after sending forth the dove for Genesis 8:10, 12 .Mourning for Jacob lasted for Genesis 50:10 .The sympathy for Job by Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar for Job 2:13 .The plague of bloody waters in Egypt lasted for Exodus 7:25 .The Israelites encircled Jericho for Joshua 6:4 .The Passover lasted for Exodus 12:15 .Saul directed by Samuel to stay at Gilgal awaiting the prophet's command for I Samuel 10:8; 13:8 .The elders of Jabesh-gilead ask for a truce of I Samuel 11:3 .Dedication of the temple lasted double I Kings 8:65 .Ezekiel sits by the Chebar River in astonishment for Ezekiel 3:15 .The Feast of Tabernacles lasted for Leviticus 23:34, 42 .The consecration of priests and altars lasted for Exodus 29:30, 35; Ezekiel 43:25, 26 .Defilements lasted for Leviticus 12:2; 13:4 .Fasts of II Samuel 12:16, I Samuel 31:13; 18, 22 .The firstborn of flocks and sheep must remain with their mothers, before being offered Exodus 22:30 .The feast of Ahasuerus continued for Esther 1:5 .Paul waits at Tyre for Acts 21:4 .Paul stays at Puteoli for Acts 28:14

-WEEKS .In Daniel's vision concerning the coming of the Messiah for Daniel 9:25 .Ten times for Daniel 9:24 .The period between the Passover Feast and the Feast of Pentecost Leviticus 23:15

-MONTHS .Holy convocations in the seventh month Leviticus 23:24-44; Numbers 29; Ezekiel 45:25

-YEARS .Jacob serves for each of his wives for Genesis 29:15-30 .Of abundance for Genesis 41:1-32, 53 .A famine lasted in Egypt for Genesis 41:1-32, 54-56 .A famine lasted in Canaan for II Samuel 24:13; II Kings 8:1 .The insanity of Nebuchadnezzar for Daniel 4:32 .Seven times, the period between the jubilees Leviticus 25:8

-MISCELLANY OF SEVENS .Of the ceremonially clean creatures taken into Noah's ark Genesis 7:2 .Abraham gives Abimelech seven lambs Genesis 21:28 .Rams and bullocks to the number of, required in sarifices Leviticus 23:18; Numbers 23:1; 29:32; I Chronicles 15:26; Ezekiel 45:23 .The sprinkling of blood seven times Leviticus 4:6; 14:7 .The sprinkling of oil seven times Leviticus 14:16 .Seven cows and seven ears of grain in Pharaoh's vision Genesis 41:2-7 .The Israelites surrounded Jericho seven times, and on the seventh day sounding seven trumpets Joshua 6:4 .Elisha's servant looked seven times for the appearance of rain I Kings 18:43 .Naaman was required to wash in the Jordan River seven times II Kings 5:10 .The seven steps in the temple seen in Ezekiel's vision Ezekiel 40:22, 26 .The heat of Nebuchadnezzars furnace was intensified sevenfold Daniel 3:19 .The light of the sun was intensified sevenfold Isaiah 30:26 .The threatened punishment of Israel was sevenfold Leviticus 26:18-21 .Silver was purified seven times Psalms 12:6 .Worshiping seven times a day Psalms 119:164 .Seven chamberlains at the court of Ahasuerus Esther 1:10 .Seven princes Esther 1:14 .Seven counsellors at the court of Artaxerxes Ezra 7:14 .Seven maidens given to Esther Esther 2:9 .Symbolical .Of many sons Ruth 4:15; I Samuel 2:5; Jeremiah 15:9 .Of liberality Ecclesiastes 11:1, 2 .Seven magi (wise men) Proverbs 26:16 .Seven women will seek a polyandrous marriage Isaiah 4:1 .Seven shepherds to be sent forth against Assyria Micah 5:5, 6 .Seven lamps and pipes Zechariah 4:2 .Seven servants (Greek: diakonoi) in the Jerusalem congregations Acts 6:3 .Seven congregations in Asia Revelation 1:4, 20 .Seven seals Revelation 5:1 .Seven thunders Revelation 10:3 .Seven heads and seven crowns Revelation 12:3; 13:1; 17:9 .Seven kings Revelation 17:10 .Seven stars Revelation 1:16, 20; 3:1; Amos 5:8 .Seven spirits Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6 .Seven eyes of the Lord Zechariah 3:9; 4:10; Revelation 5:6 .Seven golden lampstands Revelation 1:12 .Seven angels with seven trumpets Revelation 8:2 .Seven plagues Revelation 15:1 .Seven horns and seven eyes Revelation 5:6 .Seven angels with seven plagues Revelation 15:6 .Seven golden vials Revelation 15:7 .The scarlet-colored beast having seven heads Revelation 17:3, 7


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