Topical Studies
What the Bible says about
Those who Mourn.
(From Forerunner Commentary)
Psalm 51:17
This verse echoes the beatitude in Matthew 5:4: "Blessed are those who mourn." It mentions one of the sacrifices that God accepts: the contrite spirit, the broken heart. What is mourned here is spiritual in nature, and the sorrow is likewise spiritual, a kind of contrition or remorse. Those who mourn like this are desperately sorry for their own sins and unworthiness. It is pointed directly at one's own heart, in which we see great sin, and because sin inhabits our heart, we know we are unworthy. People who have a contrite spirit feel grief for how much they have contributed personally to the world's evils. They have a sense, like David, of sin in themselves and how deeply rooted it is, and its continuing presence breaks them. Their sorrow goes beyond sad. It is an abiding sorrow that it is there, and they are upset, even angry, at themselves that it keeps coming out when they want to be rid of it and spiritually clean. But it keeps popping up because of their own weakness, bad habits, and rebellion. They want it out and work to get it out, yet it keeps showing up, like a fabric stain that just cannot be washed out. When we clean a stained piece of clothing, and it is wet and soapy, we think it looks good. We tell ourselves we finally managed to rub the stain out! Then we let it dry, and . . . it is there still. How frustrating! Yet, those who possess an internal disposition of brokenheartedness, of a contrite spirit, will be comforted through God's complete redemption.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
Ecclesiastes 7:1-5
Solomon's series of "better than" statements encapsulates the Bible's teaching on learning the right lessons from life. It is good to have the perspective of a wise man telling us that this is better than that. Here, the choice is whether it is better to be joyful, festive, and full of mirth or to grieve and learn from it. The principle Solomon desires to impart to us is that we do not tend to learn much from good times. This is unfortunate, but it is a facet of human nature that we, like the grasshopper, get our fiddle out and dance away the summer. Even though we live in relative prosperity and receive many blessings, we think primarily about having fun or feeling joy rather than soberly considering the future and the lessons we should learn. Good things bring us much joy and contentment, which is certainly positive. However, it is not as good as allowing the misfortunes of life to teach us valuable wisdom about living a godly life. This idea remains a well-known principle in our culture, probably because of the historical Christian influence and the Bible's memorable sayings, which people once knew more readily and made a part of our collective thinking. The poem "Along the Road" by Robert Browning Hamilton, expresses this well: I walked a mile with Pleasure, She chattered all the way, But left me none the wiser For all she had to say. I walked a mile with Sorrow, And ne'er a word said she, But oh, the things I learned from her When Sorrow walked with me! Sorrowful things help to give us a correct perspective; if nothing else, they bring us back to center. They help us to understand and live right before God, if we have that motivation. Sorrow, grief, and mourning teach us the value of life and living uprightly, as well as the value of things like time, health, and life's priorities. God wants us to learn these important principles because death comes to all eventually. Sometimes, it takes the deaths of several close relatives and friends—perhaps in close succession—to make us realize that we need to take action now before it is too late. We could die tomorrow; we have no idea when we are going to die. But those are the vagaries of life. We never know. We have no insurance, no guarantee, that God will let us live a minute longer. We need to think about grievous things like these while we have the time. There is no time to lose. So, it becomes imperative that we learn these lessons when they are given and make the most of them.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
Lamentations 1:10-16
The book of Lamentations opens with Jerusalem being depicted as a princess who had it all, but due to calamity, she is widowed and has become a slave. She is Jerusalem personified, which the armies of Nebuchadnezzar have destroyed. Most of her people are dead, and her life seems to be overwhelmed and consumed by death, particularly the death of her inhabitants. The reader is expected to know that her sins are what brought on this disaster. Her destruction was a judgment from God because she refused to repent. As a result, all her people are either dead or in Babylonian captivity. She tells us that even the few survivors are starving and miserable. They have nothing because they have bartered it all away for what little food remains in the area. So Jerusalem is in a deep state of grief. She experiences the kind of mourning that occurs just after a calamity strikes. A person cannot think straight because of the magnitude of what has just happened. Nothing makes sense. No one and nothing can bring comfort because shell shock has set in. She is reeling from the destruction, chaos, and death that has just ruined her world, and her mind cannot piece together the reasons—not at this point. Only later in the book, in chapters 3 and 5, does the author begin to find perspective, tentatively acknowledging the lessons God wants His people to learn. That is how grief works; that is its pattern. Modern studies have found that grief is a lengthy process. It is not just something that happens and quickly recedes. Instead, it is a process a person must move through in stages, each of which takes time. In this way, a grieving person can get a handle on what he or she is feeling and how it affects daily life. It takes considerable time to come to terms with what has happened. The book of Lamentations illustrates this process.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
Matthew 4:17
Why is this directive to repent His first public command? Because in the work His Father sent Jesus to do, He is focused on preparing a people for the Kingdom of God. That was His job. Along with coming to pay for our sins with His own blood, He was to raise up a church, a body of believers. They would not only spread the gospel but also develop spiritually, putting on the New Man, preparing for their roles under Christ in the age to come. The first thing those He is preparing must recognize is that they are full of sin and need to repent. To perform this cleansing properly, they must have the attitude of grieving the reality of so much sin dwelling in them. They must recognize and acknowledge that their job to rid themselves of it is beyond them; their sinfulness is impossible to overcome by themselves. Repenting is changing the mind (metanoia). Converts must arrive at the point where they are not careless about sin. They have to change their minds to the point that they are broken up, grieved, over their sinfulness. This is the attitude of mourning Jesus encourages in the Beatitude (Matthew 5:4). Before God's calling, we were not all that careful about sin. It did not make an impression on us as it does once God opens our eyes to the fact that we have so much of it and need to get rid of it post-haste. So, it becomes a matter of great grief to us that it exists in us in such extreme quantities and takes such a long time and so much effort to remove. Thus, the believer's first step along the road to the Kingdom of God is to repent of his or her sins with the aid of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
Matthew 5:4
Being poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3) is a facet of lowliness or humility. Mourning, the attitude of being contrite, a heartfelt feeling of remorse, sorrow, and unworthiness, is also a facet of lowliness or humility. It is a necessary and valuable mindset for Christians to have because it changes the way we approach things. This verse could be rendered, "Happy is the man who mourns, for he shall be comforted (or consoled)." The word for "mourn" in Greek is pentountes (Strong's #3996), from pentheo, and it means, "to lament, to be sad, to mourn." Interestingly, it may be translated more strongly as "bewail," which is a very strong form of mourning, a kind of shrieking or keening or some kind of passionate grief everyone can see. Whether it is just mourning or sadness or as extreme as bewailing, the attitude Jesus seeks is a deeply felt grief, a sorrow that goes all the way to the bone. It is not brief and passing, as one might have for an acquaintance who dies. A normal person might have a momentary, shallow grief for the person who has passed from the world, but it does not linger. The kind of grief Jesus speaks about sticks with a person, affecting him deeply. So, this mourning is not ephemeral, not momentary, but an abiding, continuing sadness, one that cannot be shaken because its causes are too present just to shrug off. This last detail is an important thing to understand—that the causes for this grief are still present. It is not something we can easily shift our focus from because it has passed, and we can shrug and move on to something else. No, the problem that instigated our sorrow still remains. So, we are continually grieved over the fact that the cause still exists, and it is taking such great efforts to overcome it.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
Matthew 5:4
This mourning is a meaningful, persistent grief over wrong, over something that is not right or good. But that wrong, whatever it is, is not defined here. Jesus does not tell us what we are to grieve over. He just says, "Blessed are those who mourn," who possess this deep, personal grief. Commentators are of three minds about the wrong Jesus desires us to grieve or mourn over. The first is the result of personal, bitter experience, say, our reaction when a close loved one dies. It could be an extreme experience along the lines of what Job went through: his sorrow over the loss of his children, all his wealth, and his status. That is a terrible thing to happen to an individual all at once. His whole world just disappeared, and all he had left was a wife who nagged him and told him to curse God and die. Not a pleasant situation for him at all. The calamity made Job say things he really did not mean. It made him question God. This wrong is the grief of loss and many powerful, negative shocks to the system. It is the grief of one's world falling apart. We could call it "common grief." It is the kind of deep mourning that everyone experiences at least once in his or her life because of someone very close dying. A biblical example is the grief of Mary and Martha over the death of their brother, Lazarus (John 11:17-19, 28-31).
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
Matthew 5:4
Commentators often suppose that Jesus refers to the sorrow that comes from realizing all the suffering, destruction, and death in the world. This sorrow is a step beyond considering it the result of a personal, emotional wound upon the death of a loved one. This new perspective contemplates all the evils that cause suffering and death on earth. Those who grieve for the terrible wrongs occurring all over the globe have a soft heart for people, even people they do not know. They are often called humanitarians: They see trials and suffering, and they want to give aid if they can. While they care for others, they are heavily weighed down by the sheer amount of woe humanity experiences worldwide. Lamentations 5:1-15 contains a prayer that describes all that has occurred to Judah and Jerusalem due to its overthrow by Babylon. The author of Lamentations is actually reminding God about what had happened, setting the scene for what he writes toward the end of the chapter. It takes the form of a dirge, a sad song telling us how much death and destruction had befallen God's people. Everything is bad! In the aftermath, life is hard, and there is no hope in sight. Their lives are terrible. All they see ahead of them is drudgery and famine and disease and death. They cannot envision any rescue in their future. Similarly, Ezekiel 9:3-5 illustrates a more intense and spiritual mourning for the abominations, perversions, cruelties, and sins that cause suffering, destruction, and death in society. We can commiserate with what is written in the passage, seeing the perversity happening in the world, all the things God hates and condemns, calling them abominations. In Ezekiel 9, God says He will spare those who grieve over the depth of sin in the world and the havoc it causes. These grieving people show empathy for those who suffer from it, but their expectation is that only God can cure society's ills. They express sadness, mourning for the rotten state to which the world has fallen. Yet, they know that the only answer to the problem is for people to repent. They also know human nature and that people cannot repent unless God grants it to them (Romans 2:4). These realizations mean that these evils will go on to affect more people, part of a terrible cycle of horrible things that will continue replaying in this world until God intervenes.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
Romans 7:13-25
Paul realized to the marrow in his bones that he was sinful. But he wanted to do what is good. He had a will of steel that kept him from committing a great many sins, but he still sinned, and he hated it every time he did. So, he was grieved deeply that he could not perform what God required of him because of that deep-set sin within human nature. Because we are so selfish, we allow human nature to lead us around by our noses and indulge ourselves when we should be sacrificing ourselves. This sorrow is what Jesus is advocating when He says, "Blessed are those who mourn" (Matthew 5:4). He wants the kind of sorrow that is grieved to our innermost being that we are not like Him, that we are full of sin, that we cannot ever seem to move beyond our carnality. We see it cropping up so often, and we hate ourselves for it. We grieve because of our weakness. This sorrow is always appropriate and applicable in our walk with God. It is a deep conviction that we are unworthy, and we are upset about it. We grieve that we cannot match the perfection of Jesus Christ. We always have miles to go, but Jesus also promises comfort at the end of that hard road.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
2 Corinthians 7:2-3
These verses describe how we are supposed to relate to one another in the church. When there is a problem, the ministry is to help solve or mitigate it. A minister is authorized to give godly advice or make godly commands, if necessary. So in Corinth, where a man had taken his father's wife, a grievous sin, Paul had to act quickly but in a way the Corinthians thought was very harsh. His actions caused a bit of conflict between Paul and the Corinthians because circumstances forced him to take stern, decisive measures. In the vernacular, Paul is saying, "Hey, I had to do this. I did not take this course out of dislike or cruelty toward you. My intention wasn't to hurt you or shame you. I was actually trying to help you. I'm with you. I want to be united with you."
Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn
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