What the Bible says about Continuing Sorrow
(From Forerunner Commentary)

Matthew 5:4

Being poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3) is a facet of lowliness or humility. Mourning, the attitude of being contrite, a heartfelt feeling of remorse, sorrow, and unworthiness, is also a facet of lowliness or humility. It is a necessary and valuable mindset for Christians to have because it changes the way we approach things.

This verse could be rendered, "Happy is the man who mourns, for he shall be comforted (or consoled)." The word for "mourn" in Greek is pentountes (Strong's #3996), from pentheo, and it means, "to lament, to be sad, to mourn." Interestingly, it may be translated more strongly as "bewail," which is a very strong form of mourning, a kind of shrieking or keening or some kind of passionate grief everyone can see.

Whether it is just mourning or sadness or as extreme as bewailing, the attitude Jesus seeks is a deeply felt grief, a sorrow that goes all the way to the bone. It is not brief and passing, as one might have for an acquaintance who dies. A normal person might have a momentary, shallow grief for the person who has passed from the world, but it does not linger. The kind of grief Jesus speaks about sticks with a person, affecting him deeply. So, this mourning is not ephemeral, not momentary, but an abiding, continuing sadness, one that cannot be shaken because its causes are too present just to shrug off.

This last detail is an important thing to understand—that the causes for this grief are still present. It is not something we can easily shift our focus from because it has passed, and we can shrug and move on to something else. No, the problem that instigated our sorrow still remains. So, we are continually grieved over the fact that the cause still exists, and it is taking such great efforts to overcome it.

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn

Matthew 5:4

This mourning is a meaningful, persistent grief over wrong, over something that is not right or good. But that wrong, whatever it is, is not defined here. Jesus does not tell us what we are to grieve over. He just says, "Blessed are those who mourn," who possess this deep, personal grief.

Commentators are of three minds about the wrong Jesus desires us to grieve or mourn over. The first is the result of personal, bitter experience, say, our reaction when a close loved one dies. It could be an extreme experience along the lines of what Job went through: his sorrow over the loss of his children, all his wealth, and his status. That is a terrible thing to happen to an individual all at once. His whole world just disappeared, and all he had left was a wife who nagged him and told him to curse God and die. Not a pleasant situation for him at all. The calamity made Job say things he really did not mean. It made him question God.

This wrong is the grief of loss and many powerful, negative shocks to the system. It is the grief of one's world falling apart. We could call it "common grief." It is the kind of deep mourning that everyone experiences at least once in his or her life because of someone very close dying. A biblical example is the grief of Mary and Martha over the death of their brother, Lazarus (John 11:17-19, 28-31).

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Those Who Mourn


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